A Little Fact-Checking of the MSM Reporting on Trump – IOTW Report

A Little Fact-Checking of the MSM Reporting on Trump

This video could be five days long. Here are just 5 minutes.

11 Comments on A Little Fact-Checking of the MSM Reporting on Trump

  1. “A lie will travel half way round the world before the truth gets its boots on.”

    AND the media is aware of this.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It’s a good video if you get in front of people who are willing to think or who don’t realize yet what liars the media are.
    Sold out leftists will cry and whine that this is Russian propaganda.
    Good for us though.
    Puts a lot in one spot.
    There are too many lies to get in one 5 min video. It didn’t even touch on Soros DA’s, Attorneys General, or the crooked DOJ and Judiciary.

    Look at this article that shows just how crooked the judiciary is.

  3. A guy I work with is fairly intelligent, energetic, and gets ALL his info from the TV.
    He insists that Marjorie Greene is insane and that Donald Trump is just as bad as the Retarded Usurping Pedophile Joey Biden.
    Nothing will convince him otherwise – he refuses to read anything (he may be dyslexic) and I suspect he has some kind of attention deficit disorder – he is incapable of sitting still with his own thoughts and must be doing some form of manual labor – pretty much from sunup to sundown.

    And he does NOT support the Demonrat partei – he is non-aligned.
    Go figure.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Trump is playing chess, hilarious. Nope that is a thinking man’s game. ADHD boy can’t hold a thought long enough.
    His game is golf & the game he plays is, we cheatem & howe.

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