A Little Gutfeld – IOTW Report

A Little Gutfeld

ht/ jd hasty

8 Comments on A Little Gutfeld

  1. When’s Gutfeld gonna change his opening theme song to Short People by Randy Newman. Don’t get me wrong I can take Gutfeld in small doses and like him best when Tyrus is one of his guest panel. On other nights if it sucks, I’ll watch reruns of Kojack on GET (Great Entertainment TV).

  2. I was not slamming Gutfeld, no. Back in the day, during Friends of Abe (if you know what that is, good; if not, I’m not at liberty to say (lol)), I got many people for interviews, shoutouts, etc. I stood outside with Gutfeld while he smoked and hung out for five or so minutes, establishing a rapport. He was the only dude that wouldn’t give an interview. He seemed like a little boy saying he wanted to, but he was afraid to. And then he wrote down his email on a napkin and said to contact him in a few weeks because he would feel more confident in doing unauthorized interviews. And if he is 5’5″ I’m 6’7″. He seemed about 5’3″.

  3. Greg Guttfeld has made it.
    I do not mean peak made it.
    I mean equal made it.
    He is on the HOF list with others.

    He has changed a bit.
    He has a fecal fixation and it’s getting old.
    He never had that much before.
    Now it is like every punch has to have a turd in it.
    It has ruined more than a couple good exchanges with guests.
    Maybe not ruined, but for sure stepped in it stupid retorts off the top of the headers that do not facilitate.
    It becomes forced to tolerate at times.

    He is brilliant.
    And should not go down in Comedy History Books as a shit-idiot-savant. The Professor Knockers PUSH was long enough. Let’s move on from the constant shit refs, Greg.


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