“Broken”, you numbskull. It’s “Broken”. Why tax your pea brain with all those hard words?
Ho.ly.crap! That there is your tax dollars at work, making sure the kids are edumacated.
My mother used to tell me she remembered as a child a man with a truck with “Vegetales” written on the side.
I was once with my kids in Stamford Connecticut watching a parade. The News12 car came through with the word Connecticut spelled wrong in giant letters on the side of the vehicle.
r frp n smothy thng brok fo now. sory we bad.
if evry thng rit in twiter
No need to apologize.
If I live to be 150, I will have no need for a McDonald’s “smoothie machine”, whatever the fuck that is.
Or a McDonalds’ anything else, for that matter.
Does a smothie machine smother you with currants so as not to inconvince you? One thing that I am surely convinced of is whoever wrote this is a moron. in the words of Wallace Shawn’s character in The Princess Bride, “Inconceivable” What kind of moron do you have to be to be this inconceivably stupid?
There used to be an urban fashion store in downtown Atlanta called, “What’s Happen’g”
Truth be known this note was written and put up by the mcdonald’s manager, he was the brightest of the applicants.
I heard that Axe cologne was originally called Ask but the spelling was changed so as not to confuse the ghetto dwellers
No, they changed it because gay men kept inquiring about “that new ass colon”.
“Broken”, you numbskull. It’s “Broken”. Why tax your pea brain with all those hard words?
Ho.ly.crap! That there is your tax dollars at work, making sure the kids are edumacated.
My mother used to tell me she remembered as a child a man with a truck with “Vegetales” written on the side.
I was once with my kids in Stamford Connecticut watching a parade. The News12 car came through with the word Connecticut spelled wrong in giant letters on the side of the vehicle.
r frp n smothy thng brok fo now. sory we bad.
if evry thng rit in twiter
No need to apologize.
If I live to be 150, I will have no need for a McDonald’s “smoothie machine”, whatever the fuck that is.
Or a McDonalds’ anything else, for that matter.
Does a smothie machine smother you with currants so as not to inconvince you? One thing that I am surely convinced of is whoever wrote this is a moron. in the words of Wallace Shawn’s character in The Princess Bride, “Inconceivable” What kind of moron do you have to be to be this inconceivably stupid?
There used to be an urban fashion store in downtown Atlanta called, “What’s Happen’g”
Truth be known this note was written and put up by the mcdonald’s manager, he was the brightest of the applicants.
I heard that Axe cologne was originally called Ask but the spelling was changed so as not to confuse the ghetto dwellers
No, they changed it because gay men kept inquiring about “that new ass colon”.