A look back on America’s military history – IOTW Report

A look back on America’s military history

America has a proud military history.

Col. Keith Nightingale explains the importance of remembering the history of America’s armed forces as polling shows that Americans are forgetting the events of the past – Via Newsmax’s ‘America Right Now.’

5 Comments on A look back on America’s military history

  1. Most Americans don’t know bubcus about our military history because it is not taught in our schools, unless it involves a gay guy or a black guy. They know about Crispus Attics, Frederick Douglas and MLK, they know that America is systemically racist, purposely kept the black man down, and gave the Indians small pox all while stealing their land and massacring them whole sale. They know that a great debt is owed to all women, all minorities and all non hetero folks due to the rapacious greed and avarice of the white male patriarchy.

    Face it, the only Americans that know jack-shit about our history are those with a hunger and desire to read about themselves. Books, not the public education system is the key to all enlightenment and the only way to know the truth about who we are as a nation.

  2. @joe6 ~ bullshit implying motives is not history. it’s conjecture & opinion

    … our history is not even being taught!

    (not implying bullshit from you Joe6, implying bullshit ‘taught by TRAITOROUS BASTARDS’ 😉 )

  3. JOE
    that has been the case for 70 years. I sent hours in detention 63 + 64 years ago correcting my NeoCommie teachers . Still graduated ink top decile!


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