UK Lord Mayor Working With Muslims Completely Unaware of Their non-British Customs – IOTW Report

UK Lord Mayor Working With Muslims Completely Unaware of Their non-British Customs

A Lord Mayor who was working with Islamic organizations to raise money for charity walked out of the main event when he learned that his wife had to sit in a separate room from the men.

When was he going to start looking into what all the controversy over Sharia was all about?

Wait’ll he has to sit separately from his head.

story here



15 Comments on UK Lord Mayor Working With Muslims Completely Unaware of Their non-British Customs

  1. “The lunch was held to mark the end of Charity Week – an annual fundraising event supported by around 20 university Islamic societies in the UK, and others in Canada and Qatar.

    I guess he doesn’t get out much. Or have much of a hands-on approach to his duties. When someone talks about a clueless Brit, his picture will be right there in the dictionary.

    Best rated comment on the linked article reads “Well done. This is stand for English culture and the respectful way we treat our ladies if they are not happy with this they are free to return to their own country”

    Yeah, but he perhaps should have made mention of that.

  2. I bet he also believed the muzzies when they told him money goes to a “poor and disadvantaged children” charity. Oh, you bet. I’m SURE not one pence goes to any terrorist funding that will later blow up and murder more Brits. Oh, noooooo. What a dunderhead.

  3. My entire life (50 years+), musloids have been hijacking planes or blowing them up, blowing up nightclubs, kidnapping, raping and murdering westerners, using chemical weapons and decapitating, stoning, murdering apostates and infidels.

    We’ve (and British soldiers) been fighting them intensely for 13 years in two giant theaters of war. A British soldier was decapitated in an English street in broad daylight by two jihadis. Their subway system was blown up by musloids in 2005, killing 52 Britons and maiming 700 more for chrissakes.

    This guy is lying out of his ass. Someone beat him senseless to satisfy the moral deficit he has created in the Universe.

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