‘A lot of hiding’: Senators kept from seeing Sentencing Commission records on Supreme Court nominee – IOTW Report

‘A lot of hiding’: Senators kept from seeing Sentencing Commission records on Supreme Court nominee

Just the news

The Biden administration is keeping more than 48,000 pages of records about Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson from senators reviewing her nomination, including documents about her time at the U.S. Sentencing Commission that she has made a central part of her professional story.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is “hiding” records from Jackson’s time as vice chair of the Sentencing Commission, where she championed leniency for child predators, says Michael Davis, former chief counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said Monday that 16,000 pages of substantive content has been released on Jackson, compared to the 48,000 pages withheld by the White House under the Presidential Records Act and FOIA exemptions.

Grassley, ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, revealed the obstruction during his opening statement at the Jackson Supreme Court confirmation hearings.

Senate Republicans are seeking records specifically from 2010 to 2014, when Jackson served on the U.S. Sentencing Commission. The government agency works to reduce disparities in sentencing while increasing transparency, and Jackson’s involvement on the commission has been touted as a qualification to be confirmed to the Supreme Court. 

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16 Comments on ‘A lot of hiding’: Senators kept from seeing Sentencing Commission records on Supreme Court nominee

  1. if I were one of the Senators questioning her, I would refuse to question her without those documents. They should publicly state so, and in the hearings. It is not possible to make an ‘informed decision’ when her history is hidden.
    it doesn’t look like a railroad, but it is one.
    a railroad in the middle of a circus.

  2. this is a twisted common core form of logic.
    2 days of hearings + 48000pgs of ??? = ?
    you can’t get an answer, because you don’t know what it is that you are adding
    but they have an answer already
    they’ll do the pelosi maneuver- “we have to pass it to find out what is in it”
    what they did with the last Bill- the only part of it that any of them read, would be the pork flavored earmarks that they themselves put in.
    things are very broken, aren’t they?

  3. @joe6pak March 22, 2022 at 12:00 pm

    > How can anyone vote to confirm her nomination if 48,000 pages of her history is withheld from review?

    Nothing is “withheld” from those whose votes count. That’s why the number of documents is known.

    But nobody whose vote counts, needs to listen to the mewling of farm machinery. That thinks their opinion matters. But won’t go to the extra effort of killing their rulers.

    Now. Get back to pickin’ their cotton. Beasts.

  4. Without MITCH’s covert help this could not happen!
    there are 50. GOP Sens! If GOP wanted these docs they would be produced.

    Old Scotch folk saying: ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!

    I am biased..I said 2 months ago Mitch would get her on the bench! Bet on it!

  5. has anyone asked her the: how many genders/sexes? question?
    How doers she feel about ‘identity’ as where someone ‘identifies’ as something. Ask her if such an assumed identity has legal standing.
    never happen, but it should

  6. ask her what she thinks about gender reassignment surgery. Can a child make such a decision? Can a parent make the decision for the child? Is that a form of abuse?
    that’s gonna wind up at the SC eventually
    ask her about the bill up for vote in maryland- where parents can let their kid die in the first 28 days, and no investigation will be made. Poat-late term abortion. Is such a thing legal in her opinion?


  7. It would be nice to know how many senators have read more than two pages of the 16,000 that have been released and how many would read any of the additional 48,000 if they are released.

    Kavanaugh accused, when they were both young adults, of having sex with a drunken woman who can’t remember any details. Very serious stuff.

    Jackson, as a US judge, when sentencing, treated pedophiles like San Francisco shoplifters. Matter of record but blah! She’s black and female so she is uniquely qualified for the USSC.

    Progressive programs “for the children”.
    1) Abortion
    2) Indoctrination
    3) Defilement


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