A Majority of Morons – IOTW Report

A Majority of Morons


On Tuesday, July 4, we’ll celebrate our nation and its independence.

According to a new survey, however, only a little over 40 percent of people know that.

Talker.News — “a curated source of news stories and data-driven content for publishers and broadcasters” — reports how a new OnePoll survey asked 1,000 people across the U.S. questions pertaining to their knowledge regarding the meaning behind Independence Day. Of the respondents who were asked, 99 percent identified as either a born or naturalized citizen. More

Maybe Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch can pound some sense into these people. Watch

7 Comments on A Majority of Morons

  1. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that if those with their pronouns listed in their signature line were separated out they would be among the least capable of providing a correct answer.

  2. Sorta off topic…
    But I’m watching Macy’s 4th firework show and I’ve turned into my parents. I hardly know any of the performers. The ones that do covers of songs I know (like Tina Turner and John Mellencamp) are so…awful. Screaming for singing mostly and just boring and blah. I won’t comment on the diversity quotient to everything. Ugh.

    Just had to say something!

  3. I believe the reason may be because we have exchanged the MEANING of the holiday…INDEPENDENCE DAY…with a date on a calendar…4th of July.
    It is time to take back the meaning AND title of the holiday and return to calling it INDEPENDENCE DAY as it is/was intended.
    After all, it’s not an ambiguous date in someone’s obscure mythological memory like “juneteenth”


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