A Man, A Plan, A Wall – IOTW Report

A Man, A Plan, A Wall

If there is a way, Trump will find it.


President Donald Trump plans to use anti-terror law to avoid undergoing a years-long environmental impact study for a large section of a border wall that is expected to travel through a wildlife refuge, Reuters reported Friday night.

Trump will use a 2005 anti-terror law created shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack to sidestep an environmental impact study for a 32-mile portion of the border wall, sources told Reuters. The proposed section will pass through the 2,000-acre Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge near the southern tip of Texas.

Report: Trump Will Use Anti-Terror Law To Sidestep Enviro Review For Border Wall

ht/ all too much

Trump is right to use this law. The border is a national security issue.


10 Comments on A Man, A Plan, A Wall

  1. This is probably the only chance of maintaining some semblance of pristine-ness without all the garbage, discarded water bottles, clothing, luggage, korans, dead bodies, etc being strewn around the countryside. Build the wall. Let the greens tsk tsk their way to a clean up and compare satellite photos after a year or two. Of course, they will see nothing of value through their tears for the poor, unfortunate “migrants”. Wildlands for migrants, birds for green energy, etc. Sacrifices must be made. Gotta break a few eggs for that utopian omelette

  2. Agreed. There’s nothing underhanded or sneaky about securing our border and protecting our sovereignty and our citizens. To protest otherwise is anti-American.

  3. SAPD (San Antonio) found a tractor trailer with 30+ illegals parked at a WalMart last night. Eight dead, 20 critical from hyperthermia.

    The cartel war has spread into previously inviolate Cancun.

    The wall can’t be built fast enough. NAFTA can’t be shredded fast enough. Sanctuary City progvermin leaders cannot be incarcerated fast enough.

  4. I had this exact argument with an environmental activist.
    He insisted, with smug look thrown in for good measure, the wall would not be built because… the OK would never be given by the EPA.
    I laughed in his face.
    As others have pointed out, building the wall, will save the environment.


    ~Use the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall out of their funds.
    ~Military does border protection.
    ~Military uses funds to pay for wall.
    ~Trump transfers money from one of the bloated Departments to pay for wall, ex: dept. of education.

    There are PLENTY of ways to get this done.

  6. I was in Mexico in April for ten days in San Miguel de Allende for a wedding. Once I ventured out of the beautiful, restored, historic downtown it was unbelievable how much trash was discarded all around the place. I’ve never seen so many discarded plastic bottles. Wherever the average Mexicans congregate, so does their trash. The photographs of the trash left behind in Arizona and Texas should be enough for environmentalists to insist on the wall getting built as soon as possible. Build the damned wall!

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