A Map of Traffic Deaths Looks An Awful Lot Like a Map of Left-Wing Strongholds – IOTW Report

A Map of Traffic Deaths Looks An Awful Lot Like a Map of Left-Wing Strongholds



ht/ all too much

12 Comments on A Map of Traffic Deaths Looks An Awful Lot Like a Map of Left-Wing Strongholds

  1. Yeh, tell me about it? I live in NJ. Our Auto insurance in this state starts at $$2500/year per individual. And I understand why when driving these streets. My agent wanted to place a plug to determine when I “short stop” or place “great pressure upon the brake”. Well, happened two times this week, none for my fault. And the insurance company should be crediting me for avoiding accidents and not hitting my brakes!

  2. I notice a “hot spot” in GA and the Carolinas. Atlanta is a no-brainer (consistently rated as some of the worst traffic in the US). But it also shows most of North GA as well. I suspect that this is because N. GA (and much of the Carolinas as shown – much of it includes the Appalachian Mountains) is a mountainous area with steep hills, “blind curves”, “unexpected” stop / yield signs) and there are an awful lot of idiots from Atlanta / Charlotte that think they can drive the same way in the mountains that they do on the interstate highways in the metro areas (at 80+ MPH and riding the bumper of the car in front of them).

  3. @Bubba’s Brother:
    You are SO right!
    There are a few items on my list of “Things That Cause Blood-curdling Screams”, one of which would’ve been “President Hillary Clinton,” and the other is “Driving in Atlanta.” I’ve done it many times and actually lived to tell about it. Horrifying!

  4. I live in naples and his is why my rates go up up up , told by my insurance carrier it is due to my zip code….. Florida lawmakers passed a bill/law under the guise of “consumer savings” which in FACT puts $$$ in the pockets of insurance execs and politicians. It is in FACT legal robbery….why is it i have to watch geico/progressive extravigant insurance commercials when it is law we have to have insurance. Shouldn’t that $$ spent on commercials go to the payees premiums to help costs go down?? I need a mad max vehicle to drive here, seriously…. also collier county built on every inch of available land and now the roads can’t handle the traffic. Snowbirds from everywhere also wreak havoc on roads. Thanks for the sound off board.

  5. Now overlay the number of illegals driving without insurance. Count the number of hit and runs as uninsured illegals.

    Now you’ll also understand why your auto insurance rates have skyrocketed.

  6. This is pretty much a density map – more people per square mile = more deaths
    Let me be a libtard for a minute – if you overlayed a map showing the percentage of black people in the population, it would look very similar because of the percentage of black people living in cities. I could draw the conclusion that they were the cause of traffic deaths. I could even put on my climate change hat and say it was science. I would be wrong but I could do it.

  7. It’s all about the elitist liberal when they drive, it’s also why I have a dash cam.

    Okay, so liberals not exactly like the Russian insurance scammers and I’ve yet to have an accident. However I have been around after a minor fender bender with a liberal. I saw the whole thing happen and it was clearly the liberal’s fault, but gholly, their shit didn’t stink.

    Just honk at one fiddling their phone sometime, liberals fcuking lose it!

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