A Message From Ricky Schroder – IOTW Report

A Message From Ricky Schroder

Mentally ill people must not have access to Firearms.

h/t Bad_Brad

Watch video HERE.

27 Comments on A Message From Ricky Schroder

  1. And on the flip side, some ass-hat like David Packman makes a video about some guy wearing a MAGA hat, who obviously is in mental distress and should not have a fire-arm, because, after all, any supporter of Trump-Hitler must be deranged and dangerous……………so no guns for him.

    And this is how red-flag laws get hatched.

  2. What amazed me the first time I watched this is that Ricky Schroder lives out in the middle of no where Co. I was shocked to see the trani thing taking place there. I guess where ever there are public schools

    He’s a great follow on IG by the way. The guys definitely got his head on straight.

  3. If mentally ill people should not have access to firearms and the government decides who is mentally ill, then only those approved by the government will have access to firearms. Careful now!

  4. @Brad, I have seen the emoloyees of my favorite gun store refuse to sell to sketchy individuals a couple of times while I was shopping there. You know how it is; the store guys and I always visually evaluate whoever is waiting outside the door to be “buzzed in” and then they are watched like a hawk.

  5. While I agree it would be good if mentally ill people didn’t have the ability to kill innocent people, ya gotta understand that IF mental illness is a disqualifying metric, then when lefties control that system, and they will, anyone who understands the constitution and the second amendment Will BE labeled mentally ill.
    We’re better off with crazies owning weapons AND the ability to defend ourselves. Odds of the crazies destroying society is far less than the lefties, well, they Are crazy,too, but you know what I mean.

  6. Heres the problem; theres no help to be had. The brain peepers celebrate mental illness instead of treat it.

    Taking a trans to a shrink now is like if you took if you went to the ER with a cut and they validated how good it was to bleed, and gave you anticoagulants to keep it going, then told you its normal to feel a little dizzy so go ahead and drive home.

    “Get the help he needs”.

    …only God can help them now.

    The corrupted “mental health care system” will only make them worse.

  7. Harry
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 16:28 at 4:28 pm
    “Back in the day a merchant/clerk would not sell ammo or firearms to someone they didn’t feel comfortable with, especially someone that whacked!”

    …a big box retailer would probably get sued if they denied a sale to such a one, and you can be sure a demon AG would see to it.

    But I dont know why dude is spending his own money. The Fibbies would be happy to set him up proper at taxpayer expense, just as long as they get a say in target selection and timing…

  8. @Bad_Brad — But the govt IS involved to the extent they influence what we consider to be mental illness.

    “OMG! This is the 5th time Waldo has washed his hands this afternoon. He has OCD!!1! Quick, distract him while I grab his guns and car keys.”

    No matter that Waldo is a veterinarian who was manually inseminating heifers.

    The problem is that “mental illness” is insufficiently either/or.

  9. You guys are spinning this shit into something I didn’t hear the man say. If you have a loved one or a friend that’s about ready to “pop”, get them help, remove their weapons. WTF people

  10. SNS gets it AGAIN.

    “Get them the help that they need”…

    Where oh where do people get the idea that psychology and psychiatry have anything to offer that will “treat” “mental illness” (whatever that is.) The best they can do is lock up potentially dangerous people (nevermind that they have no accurate “risk assessment” protocols or crystal balls) and force them to take brain poisons that zombie them out. (Kind of like treating a broken arm with novocaine.)

    There is no treatment for “personality disorders”. There is no treatment for brains that have been poisoned with psychopharmaceuticals from childhood on. Emotionally screwed up people with intelligence, insight, and motivation might sometimes get over stuff and get normal with time and talking with a wise person (but few “therapists” are those wise persons; most are nincompoops who went into a psych field because they have their own issues.) There are no “treatments”. Psychiatry is quackery, and clinical psychology is a scam.

  11. I have to agree with Rich Taylor 100%!!! No matter how well intended a “law” might seem, there will always be some ASSHOLE somewhere who distorts it! And that my friend is how RED FLAG LAWS can destroy the CONSTITUTION!

  12. Well, the “gal” did say he already had a gun at home so clearly the family does not care one way or the other. I guess that leaves the community to intervene;

    “911, what’s your emergency?”
    “Yeah, I have a neighbor that is a rabid Trump supporter, you know, the bumper sticker, the yard signs, and both he and his son all sport MAGA hats. I know they are avid hunters and have a house full of guns. I just don’t feel safe. We all know Trump tried to lead an insurrection and his followers are just as crazy. I’m concerned that if things don’t go their way this November, there will be violence, and I’m right next door. Can you send an officer over there, just for the sake of the rest of us on the block, and remove those guns? I would feel a lot safer, I know our other neighbors feel the same way”

    Ricky did say he hoped somebody would take that gun away from him, this is one way to do it.

  13. Cross dressing and transgenderism is by default a symptom of someone who is mentally ill. No normal person acts this way. And allowing the mentally ill access to weapons of ANY type is NEVER a good idea.


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