A Message to POTUS from Joe Dan Gorman – IOTW Report

A Message to POTUS from Joe Dan Gorman

Intallectual Froglegs – This is not an episode of Intellectual Froglegs, mainly because with the exception of the last segment – it is not a ‘funny video.’ It is a personal project I was compelled to do during this suspension of our Bill of Rights to share a few observations.

View video here.

36 Comments on A Message to POTUS from Joe Dan Gorman

  1. “An error occurred during a connection to intellectualfroglegs.com”

    Joe Dans website true owner controller thinks I need to have new certificates installed on MY computer in order to even READ Joe Dan’s content, let alone watch a video that requires even more ‘installations’ of ‘stuffs’ in order to ‘work’.

    Stuffs used to work just fine in the good old days.
    Before scripting and APPS and treating MY computer as their property.

    I do so love, love, love Joe Dan’s works too.
    But not that much.

    Hopefully the archives will extend to Red Tsunami and sooner.

    Til then,
    Yo! Joe Dan!
    ~A B C D

  2. Dear Mr. President please suspend the House and Senate, declare Martial Law, remove all the democrats and most of the “Republicans” from office to prison camps, throw in the f’ing media too and let’s start over.

  3. I worry the semi dem potential PT voters will blame him for this fiasco rather than show them what it’s like to live under commie rule. Hope PT cleans out the NIH & CDC along with all the other commie infiltrated alphabet blood soups of our gov.

  4. C,
    I have been listening to JDG some time before wandering in here to the iOTW bar situated in the ‘town square’. I first saw JDG linked at CTH. I even BOUGHT merch from Joe, a calendar!

    BUT then he said something about Levin in one of his vids, during the campaign, that irritated the shit out of me. I was like WTF? What’s that about? Some twatter fight or something? I know Levin ‘gets’ to people, but I did not understand why Joe had to put that in that ONE vid??

    That was when Levin, like many others here, were defending Cruz as the primary candidate. So, like many others here, we came to know and understand DJT (I say that AS a NYCer) better as being THE force to contend with, and that has been proven, over and over again as we can SEE. :>)

    Having watched MANY of his early vids, he LOOKS really worried and concerned. AND who can fucking blame the guy?? BUT that said? How bout make a vid of the Storm, the Crossfire HURRICANE, the BLIZZARD that the POTUS is in the headwinds of??

    NO ONE ELSE COULD HAVE WITHSTOOD what this man, DJT, is going through, went through and will go through. This is not over by ANY means. They will go after Barr and Durham now.

    BTW, Joe has THEE best soundtracks (although when you speak to him tell him the music could be a notch lower) and I would love to get his barbecue one day, I’d give him a hug for what he has done and represents. That bit about his Aunt sucks, that is what I have as well, a 96 year old aunt. But she is with the Little Sisters of the Poor so I KNOW she is well.

    For anyone not so familiar with the music, some of the below is the music Joe uses and needs more depth viewing…and listening.

    No Quarter – Led Zeppelin – this and the next song are on the SAME freakin’ album, 1974

    Going to California – Led Zeppelin

    This is Not America – from the Falcon and the Snowman soundtrack
    David Bowie with the GREAT Pat Metheny, 1985

    For anyone that has not seen that movie? That is a MUST.

    Thanks for the post, I will get back to watching this ‘fly over American’ Patriot.


  5. Ghost — I don’t remember what Joe Dan said about Levin during the primaries, but it’s probably something I would agree with and why I still listen to Joe Dan and not Levin.

  6. @AbigailAdams – why no Levin? He is a needed bulwark in the Storm. A confirmed Constitutionalist? With a body of work to show for IT?? Again, I LIKE Joe, but not to like Levin, is not reasonable. He loves the country, and LIKES what the POTUS is doing, defends it EVERY night against the SWAMP.

    That is not very nice, to ‘agree’ with something you have not heard or ‘do not listen to’, madame.

    Gen Glover

  7. ghost, I have to agree with AA. There is nobody quicker to pat himself on the back than Levin. And he bad mouths everybody on the right. He usually doesn’t do it directly but he says things like he is the only one that does this, or the only one that does that. Granted he changed his tune from being a serious never Trumper but 15 minutes of him is about the max. Every now and then he gets a good guest, and he usually is a good interviewer but he could do so much better. I like his voice on the radio and he clearly is a brilliant guy but he needs to let others pat him on the back.

  8. I had no problem watching the vid. Loves me some Joe Dan!

    I listened to Levin almost every day on the way to and from work on podcasts for decades until they changed the process to download them. I spent about ten hours before giving up.

    That being said, the guy can get in a loop and really get on my nerves when he does. I have just had to divorce myself from his program for a month or so because he becomes downright insufferable.

    I certainly don’t think the guy would be a good house guest or someone I would like to have dinner with.

    He is absolutely brilliant most of the time in his analysis, but like Hanity he gets on my damn nerves quite often. Hanity has nothing to offer that offsets the getting on my nerves though. He is just damn annoying.

  9. @Joe6pak and JDHasty – I dont’ watch tv for news or commentary. I ONLY listen to the radio and do my internet sleuthing…

    I get EVERYONE about his brash and harshness. BUT he is tenacious and indefatigable against the left. Who else, on the radio is doing this? With such gravitas?

    If you guys, anyone, could point me in a better direction at that time slot? Please do? I do like Larry Elder at the time as well.

    We all know. We are in the REAL Existentialist fight that we have not seen in our life times. Why rely on a musket if I can have a howitzer? An absolute A-10? A naval CIWS in action:


    He even CALLS his ‘callers’, Reveres and Reverettes!!

    What more does one need to hear than that!?!?

  10. In my estimation when he has control of himself there is no one better than Levin. I listen to him for his analysis and respect his intellect, but the guy can be terribly petty and impresses me as more likely than not he is insecure. I don’t think he and I would hit it off.

    I think if I listened to Dan Bongino enough I would get hooked.

    I don’t watch television either.

  11. For the record here, it was Levin that brought the bugging of 55th st to ‘sun’ light, that is at Trump Tower at 55th and Fifth, NYC.

    After that, the leftist attacked, in a fire fight like fashion. Why? Why do they attack truths? Oh nevermind…you all know why. Insecurities, failed ideologies and well, many other things…

    Levin is on and over the target(s)…moving as they be. He was brilliant enough to turn the words of the Fourth Estate…on its very self reporting…self.

    Those Navy guns are something else…brrrrrrrrrrrr. DEATH or if it perceives you to be non enemy, you get to go by the sky and keep going.

  12. @JDHasty – you just said it my friend, his once in awhile sub is… Daaaannnnnny Boooongiiino! So same birds that flock together. No???

    (DB has been subbing for YEARS for M Levin and DB would tell you as much about that.)

    When I here that he is the sub, I cheer! He ‘lights up’ the libs even WORSE than ML, and can be just as dismissive to Them at the same time, kinda just LIKE ML.

    DB is a ROCK of Granite, a Patriot.

  13. @ghost —

    I don’t listen to Levin for the same reason I don’t listen to Bill Whittle or his crew (Scott Ott, etc) anymore. They are the Trey Gowdy’s of conservative punditry. They awe you with their erudition, then they show their baboon asses and you discover that’s all they are — a lot of hot air. But you’ll never see any of them opening up their hair salons because they got nowhere to go to feed their kids. You won’t see them attending their churches and getting arrested, either.

    Not to put too fine a point on it, I’ve dumped quite a few “thought leaders” since ’16, just because they did not understand — from the get go — why Trump was absolutely the most perfect guy for the job. And many of them are still scratching their …

    You can always tell which ones are which because they always manage to work in a side comment about how they sometimes get all cringy over how the president talks or what he tweets. Nope. Levin showed me who he was in ’16.

  14. @Abigail Adams – thank you for your feed back. It is very much appreciated.

    I still disagree with you though about ML and his contribution to OUR NEW PATRIOTIC CAUSE.

    This is NOT a time to infight among Conservatives. Just like I DID NOT like when he and Savage were in BATTLE with one another. That was fine then. But…now??

    We are in a completely different engagement. It’s called neo-new war nowadaze, look how the left is reacting to Gen FLynn alone?!

    Would you reject ML from you Delaware River, Christmas Eve, long flat boat?? The guy is a broadside cannon.

    Gen Glover

  15. @Ghost — With all due respect, POTUS Trump is now the head of the new conservative party and movement. Levin, Whittle, et al, represent the Grand *Old* Party. I simply don’t trust them. They’ll never change, believe me. I’ve been following all this stuff for decades and the lines have been drawn.

  16. If you want to know who I absolutely cannot stand it’s Michael Medved. How anyone can listen to that horse’s ass is an enigma to me. His fast talking little side kick Shapiro isn’t much better.

  17. There’s a lot of posers out there running their own little game trying to get rich over the airwaves. It’s getting a little late for dividing up sides. The time for doing is getting close. We need to figure out how to keep our enemy from taking advantage of the individual and start forcing them to face the masses. Booting Shapiro out is mon negotiable. He’s not on our side. However I think it’s more important we determine which of our politicians we can trust. It’s certainly not Linsey.

  18. @AbigailAdams, MAY 10, 2020 @ 1:39 AM comment – Exactly!

    My two cents – Joe Dan is genuine, sincere and recognizes the incredibly beneficial, historically significant, American patriotic focused presidency of Donald J. Trump.

  19. Thanks, 99th — I couldn’t have said it better. The time for hemming and hawing and hedging your bets is past. That window was closed until the next race. I remember from way back then all the clowns who tried to warn us off Trump and who they thought was better. Yikes! Most of them even fell into the chorus from the Left. That was a bridge too far.

  20. All- Levin HAS THE EAR of the POTUS and has met with him on several occasions in the White House, I guess that ain’t good enough for some?? Again, I respect JDG, A LOT, but he does not go to the WH to talk policy, that I am aware of anyway? POTUS is on mic saying how much he LOVES ML btw.

    I asked for some alternatives to listening on the radio, that are AS INFORMING as ML, but no one has yet to get back?? On a national level: Rush, ML, Gorrrrrka, Prager, oh Mike Gallegher as well. Rudy has a local show that is EXCELLENT, turns out he is a natural at it.

    Lastly, ML had ROGER STONE on his show for cryin’ out loud. And guess what? ML just about HATES the guy, BUT he KNEW he was being railroaded in a VERY unfair way and wanted him to tell his story, his side.

    The guy is HATED I mean HATED by the left, and for that reason alone, is worth supporting. I don’t care about the Beck thing, does not bother me at ALL.


  21. Ok, ghost. “It’s not a matter of disagreeing with him (Trump), it’s that 90% (of the people) disagree with him!” ~Mark Levin

    This was not an outlier broadcast. Levin went on like this for months. Funny thing, though. I’ve never heard Levin explain his change of heart that didn’t include a convoluted explanation that, in the end, sounded anything like a mea culpa:

    “Mark Levin Warns Conservatives: Donald Trump Is “Taking You For A Ride,” “You Will Be Disappointed”


    You don’t care at all about Beck’s influence in Levin’s ideological leanings?

    “Glenn Beck Reverts To Never Trump Ways With Man Crush On Justin Amash — Once a weasel, always a weasel”

    “Justin Amash is the man we on the right have waited for my entire adult life. He has the best conservative voting record in congress. He does what he says he will do, AND never hides from voters. I hope he runs in 2024. He takes his oath seriously. Thank you, JA.” ~Glen Beck, via Twitter (This was Beck jumped on Amash’s “Impeach Trump” bandwagon.)


    It’s not enough for those who claim to now support Trump to be hated by the Left. We’ve been down that road before. Once burnt, twice shy. People like Beck, Levin, Medved, Loesch, Ericson, and so on are pretty easy to figure out. They make their living in media and live or die by their audience numbers and sponsorship. They’re the first to jump on a popular movement, like the tea party, and use it for their own enrichment; and just as quick to abandon them when it’s been played-out.

  22. There were a lot of talking heads on radio and tee vee who supported other GOP candidates in the ’16 primaries; some were subtle about it, others not so much. But to cross that line and to declare themselves an “official #NeverTrump(er), meant that not only did they agree with another candidate, but that they would actively seek to destroy candidate Trump, that, I cannot abide. Everyone has to make up their own minds about their willingness to trust someone like that.

  23. I remember pretty damn good Whittle, who I was with from the days of Eject, Eject, Eject, laughing it up with Ott and the Vodka guy at the prospect of a President Trump. To this day he and the other fuckers are Mr Caveat(s) when it comes to talking about Trump. Fuck ’em

    I was a big Levin fan from the time he would get plugs on Rush as F Lee. Bought his books and he was a must listen to when he got his own show. But his over the top neverTrump crap was it for me. Yeah he might have Trump’s ear now and he’s a full throated supporter…good but I ain’t buying.

    And Beck? Rolling his face in Cheetoes is now partners with Levin?? Ain’t buying that either.

    There’s a few that were wary of Trump but made a 180 and made amends like Kurt Schlichter that I’m still following. But for the most part when assholes like Goldberg, Barnes or Williamson or pretty much the whole NR crowd went on their tear, fuck ’em. Take your cruises alone assholes.

    The fact is Joe Dan is asking the same question we’re asking at my house. In addition we’re wondering just why in the hell Trump thinks he needs to walk cautiously? These fuckers are playing a blood sport using this country as cannon fodder so they can take power. I can guarantee that were Trump to arrest the plotters including Elephant Ears, he wouldn’t lose any votes.

    It brings to mind one of my favorite movie scenes from Mr Majestik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esjt1eJA328

    Mr President, there ain’t no sense trying to get on their good side.

  24. MMinAR — Big thumbs up!

    Yes, we are asking the same questions in our house, too. But I’m relying on POTUS Trump to see what we’re seeing and to have the wisdom and courage to set his plans in motion. This president has an uncanny way of landing on his feet. This is a tricky needle to thread for him.

  25. MMinAR — I’m not! I’m always nervous that one of these IOTW threads will pop up on BadBlue, you know? It’s easy to forget that Fur has a huge bunch of lurkers — then there’s the exposure of BadBlue. lol!

  26. @MMinAR – saw that in the movies at a VERY young age, as in like nine years old?? Here are a couple of clips for anyone that has not seen the great Charles Bronson below, (btw my fave with him the ‘claustrophobic’ Danny ‘Tunnel King’ in the Great Escape, incredible acting).


    I owned a Ford just like that!

    The POTUS needs to walk cautiously here because he is trying to figure the mess he was given by Obama and the now CCP, as well as the attempted coup, not to mention how to DEAL with the haters and those that did not vote for him. THAT IS WHY he MUST be cautious. The man has been walking in a literal political mine field since he said he was running.

    @Abigail Adams – that RCP link is from…4/16??? Oh my things have changed since four YEARS ago. What is BBlue btw?? Sounds like the darkweb or something? Are they onto us? Scary shit. I LOVE ML because he is an ass kicker like OUR POTUS from Queens,NY!

    You liking watching movies AA, so you might like MrM?? It was written by Elmore Leonard, no slouch!


  27. ghost — I was hoping you’d see my comment. Yes, I know it was from ’16. It was my whole point. Levin’s new crop of followers won’t know or maybe won’t remember who Levin was at a crucial time. It’s a reminder.

    So, what do you think of Levin joining forces with Glen Beck? It’s not merely a business decision. You’re known by the company you keep, right?

    The duplicitous Beck used his conservative “homecoming” to convince a group of conservatives, including Mark Levin, to bail out his failing media company and join him in rebranding and building the new “Blaze Media Empire”.

    Then, with the ink barely dry on the contracts, Beck revealed his true Never Trump self, yesterday:

    “Justin Amash is the man we on the right have waited for my entire adult life. He has the best conservative voting record in congress. He does what he says he will do, AND never hides from voters. I hope he runs in 2024. He takes his oath seriously. Thank you, JA.” ~Glen Beck, via Twitter (This was when Beck jumped on Amash’s “Impeach Trump” bandwagon.)

    What say you about this? https://patriotcrier.com/bipolar-duplicitous-glenn-beck-flips-expresses-love-justin-amash/

    BadBlue is a news aggregator similar to Whatfinger, Drudge, etc. Doug Ross runs it. It’s nothing so sinister as the dark web. I only mentioned it because IOTW regularly pops up their headlines and I like to be a good rep for this blog.

  28. Hey Gooooddd Morning Abigail Adams! I have to say this has been engaging, thank you.

    Never heard Amash on ML show, not that I remember.
    I did listen to GB maaaany years ago, like ten, oh wait like when I stopped watching FOX as well?? Interesting how that worked??

    Yeah the whole Ted Cruz Cheetos GB, soccer balls was a FIASCO. But hey?

    I cannot even tell you the last time I went to the Blaize for a story. The whole thing got a bit BIZARRE I agree, but I do think he had his own issues whatever, to deal with.

    Again, PLEASE, I ask of you, WHO do you ‘listen’ to or read that backs up your OWN self held beliefs??

    I LOVE Victor Davis Hanson for instance, and I would put he and Levin in the SAME exact boat in terms of Republicism, Constiutionalism and what you might label as a Non Trumper.

    Two other examples:

    John Batchelor (early kinda anti trumper but SOLID now)
    AND the most amazing GREATEST Thomas Sowell, I believe he was, at the time, a Never Trumper. The guy is OFF the CHARTS brilliant. Sowell would be my navigator on my Glover ship. Should we kick HIM out too?

    And yes I DO know the company I keep madame, that is why I an here and proud of it! ;>)

    OF course I know you feel the same/sane…some friends are…well whatever.

    BB, oh you mean Doug R?? THAT is one of my go to pages!!
    Yes, I enjoy the information and links they provide.


    Also note, Doug R has Levin in that right links tab too…juuuust sayin’.

    Gen. Glover

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