A message to the angry leftists from an American Infantryman – IOTW Report

A message to the angry leftists from an American Infantryman

*Salty Language.


Gruntworks: I know you don’t know me. I know you don’t even think about me and when you do, it’s probably not anything nice. I’m the evil hegemonically masculine patriarchal oppressor to you feminists. I’m the jackbooted statist thug to you dope smokin’ long-haired hippies. I’m “The Man” to you racial activists. I’m the idiot who joined the military because I “wasn’t smart enough” to go get a liberal arts degree like you know-it-all 20-year-old college dipsh!ts; and for some reason you hate me for that. I’m that guy with the rifle who signed on the dotted line for $24K a year so that you budding Marxist fuckst!cks could have the freedom to complain about me and the manner in which I provide it. I have a little message for you.

I see you there, in Portland… In Chicago… In San Francisco… In Bumf@ck Directional School Liberal Arts College… You’re having your temper tantrums because ever since mommy dropped you off at Daycare 20 years ago you’ve been throwing them to get your way. Now you’re super pissed about the results of a presidential election where the other guy (and the only guy in the race for that matter) won.

I’m not here to talk politics, or explain the Electoral College, or to tell you what hypocritical douchebags you are for doing the things you’re doing. No. I have a much simpler conversation to have with you.  MORE

h/t Flaming Hetero.

33 Comments on A message to the angry leftists from an American Infantryman

  1. i don’t have the training that guy has but I’m learning, and I’m getting pretty well armed. I’ve lived damn well in this country for 60 years and my wife and I have said we may go down defending ourselves and our home. I hope that isn’t the case but I’m pissed off enough to fight it out.

  2. This guy was doing really good right up to the point he mentioned “Ivan” parachuting in on him with his AK. Now I want to know if this guy was ever in the mix. I know a ton of these older, and some not so old, warriors, and they’ve never mentioned Ivan as an enemy they’ve ever fought. Neither did this guy. If I’m wrong I’ll apologize. But I highly doubt I’m wrong.

  3. I’m patiently waiting for it to begin, and I’m ready. The sad thing is, they won’t even know what hit them.
    Zero F’s given. This won’t even be a gentlemans duel. We give no quarter.

  4. 🙂 Goddamn pansies.

    They lost the leftists in power, now they gonna lose
    the leftists in the courts, states, and local guberment.
    We gonna need a bigger safe room for them…..

    Pretty well written.

  5. He never said he encountered Ivan, it was a reflection of wars past and what Ivan did, and if and only if Ivan has the balls to come here to the US, which will never happen. That was how I read it.

  6. Inigo Montoya,
    Bull shit. He didn’t mention hajis. He didn’t mention VC. He mentioned Ivan. If this guy wants to call me or meet me and explain that I’ll kiss his ass on Main Street. He, we, never fought Ivan. And the warriors I know, some in their 40’s would laugh at the Ivan mention. WTF.

  7. Leftists live mostly in urban areas, which are very vulnerable to interruptions in energy, supplies and transportation. I’m not ex-militaty, and even I know that targeted attacks against transportation and energy is what would bring a world of hurt to urban leftists. It’s no secret. It’s warfare basics. I’m not worried about a leftist uprising. They don’t have the guts. Talking tough on the internet is easy. Engaging in war isn’t.

  8. I eat MREs occasionally to rotate stock and I actually crave them now and then. Sure, an MRE isn’t a 5 star meal by any means, but I’ve found absolutely nothing wrong with them. 100% edible.

  9. I rotate through the MRE’s with the kid and we
    make a picnic out of it at the dining room table. So
    far nothing to hate out of them.
    The commissaries on base now carry the MREs without
    the heaters. Expensive over seas, but cheaper than
    shipping them from the mainland. Kept in a cool
    closet, they last much more than five years.
    Good typhoon backup treats.

  10. I think you guys missed the point. It doesn’t matter how good or bad the food is. MRE or other meal. Every soldier, marine, sailor, airman I ever talked to complained about the food. It’s not the quality of the food. It’s the complaining about it I have found to be the common denominator of service members.

  11. Blink, have you ever been on a submarine? Bad food there is the exception to the norm.
    Four submarines and two tenders…..the tender food really sucked. You ever seen Burnt boiled eggs? They are brown when you peel them.

    So, yes, a retired sailor.

    Generally a military member will bitch about the closest subject to the question they are being asked about. ALL the media morons assume the food is bad, therefore…..they ask.


  12. Yes I have. An RO in the Pacific for four years. The food was generally good, but the cooks were still frequently the object of discontent, especially on one patrol when they were on a pot pie kick. Ya know, Cookie’s slogan in Beatle Bailey, if the food looks bad, put a crust over it.

    Before becoming an RO I spent six months on a DDG as an ET, I still remember the day they served rice, only some of the rice grains had two black beady eyes. The cooks said it was just added protein.

  13. Hehehe! Now That’s the Nook in yah!😜

    We’ve probably some same friends.

    I liked it when the cooks were serving bisqits n gravy, and bitching that too many people were putting in wakeups to eat bwahahahaha!👏
    ‘retired A’gangr, I’m sick like that…….


  14. I’m seeing from experience that the Snowflakes still don’t realize that the people who put this new government in place are the same people that own the majority of guns in America, or are the people that are trained to use them. That is the real truth here. They’re going to have a tough time with that. However, the Socialists have already made progress, notice how this thread is more about food? Hedonism is a Socialist weapon, y’all. Think about it.

  15. I’ve been shaking my heads at these younger girly men & manly girl hybrid give me everything types too long. if they take over this country it will fall to a stronger one. I hope there are enough men like the one who wrote this to re-educate or at least control these freaks in our midst.

  16. It’s not the snowflakes we need to worry about. It’s the leftist/globalists in the federal government who control the media and the military. Make no mistake, they will absolutely send them after patriotic Americans after labeling them domestic terrorists if they try to defend themselves.

  17. @Reboot A-gangers were the best. They provided the two primary top priority human needs: oxygen & water. Most of them I knew had a good sense of humor too. In my experience some guys bitched about the food not because there was anything wrong with it. It was just something to do, anything to interrupt the stretches of boredom.
    As for Iron Mike I lean toward believing he is authentic but not a great writer. Trying to be to clever and making a mistake with the Ivan the Terrible image.

  18. Burnt boiled eggs wasn’t something I ever encountered, worst was the boiled bacon in the mobile mess trailer. Boiled bacon looks like used condoms, and partnered with the green hued powdered eggs makes a solid case for fasting. Worse MRE ever invented was the omelette with ham, no matter what you did to it it tasted like shit. hot, cold, hot sauce, pepper, salt, didn’t make a difference. Utter shit. BBQ meatballs on the other hand, pretty damn good.

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