A Monstrous Idea – IOTW Report

A Monstrous Idea


Well the top of the ticket anyway, Minnesota Senator Al Franken is being seriously considered among some on the left as a contender for the Democrat Party to run against President Donald Trump in 2020.  Picking up the Green Party’s Jill Stein to run as VP would be for name recognition only.



19 Comments on A Monstrous Idea

  1. I can just hear those “brain-storming” sessions at the DNC:

    “We are in trouble, folks, any ideas?”
    “Well, Ronald Reagan was in show business, and so was Donald Trump, they both got elected; maybe we need a show business candidate!”
    “Great idea, who do we have?”
    “Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmm. All we have is Al Franken?”
    “Oh Shit.”

  2. What’s even funnier than the thought of a Franken-Stein ticket is the realization this really might be the ticket with the best chance.
    Candidate Trump would have a grand old time mocking that pair-up.

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