A Moral Obligation To Fight Tyranny – IOTW Report

A Moral Obligation To Fight Tyranny

Do yourself a favor and watch this woman’s short speech on the moral obligation to fight tyranny.

Her closing line is chilling –

28 Comments on A Moral Obligation To Fight Tyranny

  1. THANK you for sharing this inspirational woman’s words of wisdom as my first opened gift of Christmas, 2019.

    Chills were experienced. That video is being bookmarked. A search for a transcription is on, even if I need to accomplish it pause by pause.


  2. It looks like Virginia is going to follow the Hitler model and start check points for travelers. “Papers Please”. And like true Nazis they’ve even come up with the perfect NAZI name. FISTS. Firearm Inspections Stop Terrorism. Road blocks by any other name. This is a showdown orchestrated to coincide with the coup against Trump. There are no coincidences. Some Libtard wants this fight BAD. Beware of False Flags.

    A good read.


  3. Excellent. She’s prepared to defend our Constitutional rights and pay the price. I have much respect for this dedicated patriot. Praying God guides her steps to victory over the tyranny in Virginia.

  4. Mom of 5, Yvette Bronx, got every point exactly correct.
    She doesn’t look old enough to have five children, and a son that is old enough to be a Marine. However, her knowledge of history is a hint she was educated before schools became primarily indoctrination centers, where if they teach American history at all, it is demonize it.

  5. Wow!! Gave me goosebumps

    During the American revolution only 3% of the colonists actually actively fought against the king’s tyranny. It was a different battlefield then. The government didn’t have overwhelming tactical weaponry. And they didn’t have Facebook and Google – tech tyranny – opposing them as well.

    I fear for what we have created. I pray that more Donald J Trumps – flawed as he may be – will step up and expose and defeat those who are self-serving power seekers rather than selfless public servants.

  6. “It looks like Virginia is going to follow the Hitler model and start check points for travelers. ”

    Checkpoints tend to be highly exposed and provide readily available targets for all sorts of name calling and such.

  7. @Anonomous’ link to Matt Bracken’s book, Enemies Foreign and Domestic, scene at the Va. Check Point.

    Seems rather prophetic given the recent moves toward tyranny, and defiance of their oath of office by the Va. government. Right down to the source of the problem:

    “”One of the FIST checkpoints, it’s got to be.” The FIST program, the brainchild of Virginia Attorney General Eric Sanderson, was intended to stop the transportation of illegal weapons.”

    A link to a shorter excerpt from the book on Matt’s website.

    http://enemiesforeignanddomestic.com/excerpts/checkpoint.html .

  8. Blink

    The big question is, whom will run those check points? National Guard? Highly Doubtful. County Sheriffs and PDs. Obviously not. The UN seems to be the most popular answer. Can a Governor call in a foreign power to police American Citizens? I don’t think so.
    I wonder if the Governor and his merry band of Tyrants have looked at a map recently and figured out they are surrounded?
    Some are reporting that Virginia is the reason Barr has suddenly focused his attention on Soros. Who knows. But we are all Virginians now.

  9. The tyrants were forced to back down in confrontations out west more than once, now it’s Virginia’s turn.
    These overbearing thugs need to be put in their place and soon!

  10. Lots of Americans shot other Americans in the 1860s, just sayin.
    And the result was America was fundamentally changed from the principles the country started out with. Barry didn’t have the level of success of Abe Lincoln fundamentally changing the USA. Similar as warned in John 16:2 the day will come when those who murder you will think they are serving their country’s best interest. And a fairly high percentage of LEOs in America are foreign born, many illegal migrants. Some will defend American principles of liberty more than native born will, but others will have no appreciation for those principles, I wouldn’t depend on them to not man the check points with the backing of the state.

  11. US Marines are very trained to follow orders under all circumstances. Soldiers are not allowed to be independent thinkers, The underlying agenda of tough military training of soldiers is to suppress a moral conscience. That is the only way to make killers out of “good men.” Remember that Pat Tillman was an intelligent analyst who realized this so late that he had to be silenced because he was being listened to. If Marines were actually true to their cause, this woman wouldn’t be there at the mic, her male family Marines would be. Will the Marines ever defend Americans from the domestic enemies right now? Are US Marines ever to be trustworthy? Do US veterans of war ever tell the truth about their own and others’ crimes committed while serving?



  12. During the Civil War, general Sherman said “war is hell”. Men do things under extreme stress they would not otherwise do. The problem is not the lack of manners. The problem is there is no polite way to kill somebody, with a rifle or a knife.

  13. exJarhed,, darn it, I was trying to make it sound authentic. Someone should write a Thesaurus with what each branch of the service would say and the equivalent saying from the other branches. If you were to take that to the local VFW and read it aloud you might end up in a barroom brawl.


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