A More Heinous Display of White Supremacy You Will Never Find – IOTW Report

A More Heinous Display of White Supremacy You Will Never Find

40 Comments on A More Heinous Display of White Supremacy You Will Never Find

  1. Obviously that fat low life racist biotch does that regularly by the way the oppressive white kid reacted.
    The adult watching and not saying anything needs to be arrested as an accessory.
    What school is that?

  2. Like police brutality, for every one of these that we see on video, there are 20 more that are not recorded.

    She will not be fired, she will not be arrested. But it was recorded so she will probably be removed from the classroom, temporarily, but will still get a paycheck.

  3. She had better hope the police get to her before that little girl’s father. Despicable. It seems as if it is not an uncommon occurence; as if the girl knew to not fight back and leave when the opportunity presented itself or it would be even worse.

  4. @TSUNAMI – “…I’m thinking of a word that fits perfectly…”

    Somebody’s got to say it, so it might as well be me. That was a NIGGER!!

    I use that word VERY sparingly – only when it is unquestionably deserved.

  5. If you were able to check the fat broad probably has an IQ around 70, has no idea who her real daddy is, has lived on her entire life off the government tit and has a record of infractions as long as your are which her school has ignored.

  6. “I’ve read that she’s not a teacher, but a 17 year old 8th grade student.”

    Yeap you right, oldest, lost and found child of former first couple Michelle and Barak.

  7. Sadly seeing shit like this and society’s legal response to it makes more racists. She’s inner city trash. I got banned from posting on another website for making a simian reference to a group of melatoninly gifted youth that beat the crap out of a lone white kid.

  8. Isn’t 17 a bit old to still be in the 8th grade? I thought that some schools just passed them thru in order to get rid of them ASAP. I couldn’t watch but the first few seconds, this dumb feral broad needs a good ass whoopin, preferably by the victim’s father.

  9. There’s 2 million or so decent black people in this country. The rest are like this women and they’re low IQ & hate. They may as well be a different species. Integration has been tried for a long fucking time. It ain’t working and if you’re denying that, I got nothing.

    One comment said for every one we see there’s 20 we don’t. Here’s a fact to chew on, REPORTED violent black on white crime is 7x higher than the reverse. I’d contend it’s worse.

    And I’m wrong because I won’t live with them?

    There’s enough

  10. I can’t imagine what that child’s parent would go through when watching this video.
    If that was me, and I never hurt anyone in my life, let alone a woman, I wouldn’t be able to control my self not putting that obese whale in the ER.

  11. “I can’t imagine what that child’s parent would go through when watching this video.”

    And I can’t imagine why the father hasn’t ended this bitch. Back when my kids were that young, you treat them like that you will need to defend yourself. And you can’t.

  12. That’s pure evil. The younger smaller girl could have hit her head a certain way and it could have been fatal.
    The big bully deserves the same hateful treatment. She needs to know how it feels to be mistreated. NO excuse for her behavior, but this abuse seems to be the norm for that overweight cretin.
    Hope she’s thrown out of school, ASAP. That monster is way too dangerous. Not much hope for rehabilitation. She’s too far gone – sadistic and dense.

  13. White kids had to put up with this 50 years when they “bussed” to black neighborhood schools where the “neighbor” schoolchildren exacted a measure of race revenge on them

    Of course they were never allowed to tell their side of the story, and when this gross injustice was ended, it was chalked up to “racism”

    There are no words …

  14. One thing that is so amazing is how calmly and maturely the little girl responds to an unbelievably vicious assault, as if she were the zookeeper of a potentially dangerous animal that simply went berzerk for a minute

    And how is this not treated as an aggravated assault which should put the perp in an adult prison for a few years That girl could have hit the back of her head and suffered permanent brsin damage. Or she could have broken her arm by trying to break her fall with it


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