A Mother’s Text Question To Lonely High School Son Had the Same Answer For 4 Years – IOTW Report

A Mother’s Text Question To Lonely High School Son Had the Same Answer For 4 Years

A heartbroken mother asked her son every school day at noon – “are you sitting with anyone?”

Every time she received the same answer, “no.”

Her son was born with neurofibromatosis, which makes him “different, but bright.”

Andrew Kirby

Sometimes a staff member would sit with Andrew, sometimes a teacher, but never another student. It was difficult to witness day in, day out. Andrew didn’t like school.

One day the mother’s text went unanswered.

The Kirby family’s prayers were answered.

The student council asked Andrew to join them for lunch. It wasn’t out of pity, they had no idea he had been sitting alone all those years.


Kirby took a seat by himself at a lunch table on Aug. 20. As usual, he got a text from his mom asking if he was alone. But this time, to Kay’s surprise, Kirby didn’t answer.

Hours later, when she arrived to pick him up, she found out why.

“Mom, I didn’t sit alone!” Kirby exclaimed as he entered Kay’s car.

“Wow, that’s great!” Kay said, before asking about his new friends.

Kay revealed Kirby was adopted. He was born with a crack cocaine addiction and has neurofibromatosis — a genetic condition that causes tumors to grow along the nervous system, according to the Mayo Clinic. The teen has overcome many health issues in recent years, including major back and neck surgeries.


Kirby considers himself shy, but once you get to know him, Kay assures people he’s far from quiet. However, Kay admitted, someone has to make an effort to get to know him — which is why she’s thankful the Boiling High students stepped up.

“We just wanted to say thank you to them for not being afraid to be a friend to someone,” she said. “I would cry when I would leave him at school. It gives me peace and it just helps me as a mother [to see him with friends].”



14 Comments on A Mother’s Text Question To Lonely High School Son Had the Same Answer For 4 Years

  1. Sometimes I think moms and dads hurt worse than the child does and vise versa. I know I as a child hurt terribly for my mom who had a beautiful face but severe structural deformity. I actually beat up a kid who made fun of her.

  2. This is real everyday news that is around us all. Not the week long flags at half mast lying in state to grieve the dead. Shame news will not cover this bettering for the living instead of fawning and portending the lives of the past. Thanks for this, sincerely.


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