A National Suicide Pact Among The States To Destroy The Electoral College – IOTW Report

A National Suicide Pact Among The States To Destroy The Electoral College

Democrats still smarting over the presidential election are as determined as ever to do away with the Electoral College and they think they’ve hit upon the perfect scheme to do it; the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

There are already 10 states that have agreed to award their Electoral College vote over to the popular winner, for a total of 165 votes so far.  All they need is 105 more Electoral College votes from other states and they’ll be able to override the constitutionally mandated system we’ve used for over 200 years.


Just image the voter fraud if they ever succeed with this scam.

25 Comments on A National Suicide Pact Among The States To Destroy The Electoral College

  1. I have a better idea. Award a state’s electoral votes by county. In other words, each county in a state would have one vote. The candidate that wins the most counties wins the state. In my state of Illinois, instead of Chicago determining how the whole state goes, the other 101 counties would more than override what the idiots in Cook County do. I know this could never happen, because if it did there would never be another democrat elected to a national office.

  2. California is a perfect example of concentrated power in large urban areas. The whole state is hostage to these creeps. Of course they want it nationally, thats what popular vote would give us.

  3. Throwing out the electoral college has always been an option. All you have to do is get three quarters of the states to agree with you. That is never going to happen. They also have 10 years to complete the task.

  4. They have ‘super’ delegates for the primary process, whose votes as delegates are determined before any popular voting takes place. And that seems to be accepted. There is no democracy there. So it doesn’t surprise me that they would want to do away with the electoral college. They’re arguing to have a purely popular vote for people who aren’t popularly nominated. I may try some of that cough medicine myself tonight.

  5. I TOLD YOU!

    SECEDE from these people while you still have a chance to do it bloodlessly.

    The U.S. will be just like Chicago, New York, Detroit, California, they’ll pass whatever insanity they want w/o concern for opposition.

  6. @Half-Assed Patriot: “The U.S. will be just like Chicago, New York, Detroit, California, they’ll pass whatever insanity they want w/o concern for opposition.”

    Great, just great.
    Now my head is really spinning.
    I’ll have to find sanctuary from the sanctuary. It’s coming!
    More cough syrup- that’s it.

  7. Mr. Lincoln’s war ended when the people he attacked agreed to say “There are no States. There are only federal fiefdoms.”

    If you haven’t been asked, and you don’t want someone else speaking for you, you know what you must to do.

  8. If we were to go with popular vote only, then make it with two forms of photo ID in person and proof that the voter has passed a “Citizen Competency Exam” (similar to what immigrants have to pass to become a citizen) and make the ballots in ENGLISH ONLY!

    If those guidelines were enforced there would probably never be another democRAT elected for any office!

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