A Never Trumper [and former running mate of Gary “What Is Aleppo?”Johnson] considers 2020 run – IOTW Report

A Never Trumper [and former running mate of Gary “What Is Aleppo?”Johnson] considers 2020 run

Daily Caller:

[…] Fox News first reported Wednesday that Trump critic Weld would be announcing his bid to run against the president.

Weld served two terms as Massachusetts governor before becoming a Libertarian Party vice presidential nominee in 2016, along with running mate Gary Johnson, who was endorsed by marijuana activists for his pro-pot stance. He recently renewed his membership in the Republican Party.  MORE HERE


Yes, it’s former Massachusetts Republican Gov. Bill “Who?” Weld.
He changes parties like he changes his underpants.

“We don’t consider him a Republican. We don’t want him back as a Republican.”
Says The New Hampshire GOP .

Wow! What an endorsement.

Will he  change things up and pick Johnson as Veep?



9 Comments on A Never Trumper [and former running mate of Gary “What Is Aleppo?”Johnson] considers 2020 run

  1. “We don’t consider him a Republican.”

    But … but … but … what’s he self-identify as? … uhh … at?

    The oligarchs and would-be tyrants of both parties seldom identify themselves as such. BS is a self-avowed socialist and ran for the Demonrat nomination. Most of the delineations are window-dressing – just sparkle and glitter to bamboozle and confuse the easily confusable.

    izlamo delenda est …


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