A New Addition to Our Pet Portrait Gallery – IOTW Report

A New Addition to Our Pet Portrait Gallery

June 3rd, 2019, The Mighty Wu passed in the loving arms of his “mother.”

I shouldn’t even put mother in quotes. These are our children.

27 Comments on A New Addition to Our Pet Portrait Gallery

  1. My wu. Here I am trying to learn how to walk again after I got hit by a drunk. Ruined my Harley and there’s my beautiful girl. Thanks. By the way, the panting is the first thing you see when you walk into the house

  2. Wow! BFH. All of your pet portraits are wonderful, yet this one is exceptional. The composition, concept and interpretation are beautiful and somehow you captured this mature pup’s youthful appearance he probably once had. Great job.

  3. Willy, my wife and I always called her the wu. Don’t know why, she started out with a completely different name, but I believe dogs grow into their names. One day she came up on the deck with a copperhead in her mouth. She became the mighty wu that day,and now my wife insists that I get back to the ptherapy. Thanks bfh, I needed the lift. I emailed you about another project.

  4. Gosh. There seem to many moving parts to this story.

    First, BFH has an uncanny eye for capturing the essence of the look and the presence of our animal friends. I have one commissioned other paintings for friends and strangers alike. All were deeply appreciated. I might need to get one more.
    Second, I am sorry for your loss and terrible physical challenges, Rick. Soldier on and follow the PT instructions. Get well.

  5. @BFH – you bring still life into a new perspective, in a Ressurectional Critter kinda way…as an artist you bring great RELIEF to many ‘fur moms and dads’ as @C said.

    Great piece…as usual.


  6. Hey Rick….how big was ‘Wu’?…..Looks like about a fifty lb dog?….My Tex dog thinks he knows her and would’ve wanted to nose her….She looks like she was always happy, just like my Tex dog. He’s always happy….

  7. Rick
    Was wondering where you’ve been, missed your sometimes snarky comments. 🤔

    Hoping you recover quickly and you’ll be in our prayers, and what a beauty your fourlegged friend was. 🕊️❤️🙏

    BFH you paint most wonderfully.

  8. Rick, Wu looks just like my pal Heidi Boo,she is rolling on 14 years old eighty five pounds. It always breaks my heart when a friend passes on. I adopt big old pooches no one wants,last chance death row dogs,I have had seven in the last twenty five years,some a handfull all loved.Wu is sitting proud watching. P.S. Speedy recovery to get back on the bike,I had a snow ride the other day,us canuks are kinda silly that way.

  9. Great painting Mr. Hat. What a beautiful dog. It’s so hard when we lose a family member. Rick, I hope you progress quickly with your physical torture, er, therapy. You are probably made of sterner stuff than I am, I used to cry doing my after shoulder surgery therapy.

  10. holy shit that is some painting and get well Rick BFH, ever consider doing tattoos ? I know it is different but you have a gift i actually have my two rotties tattooed and my two pitbulls as well


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