A New Planned Parenthood Ghoul is Featured in Another Undercover Video Release – IOTW Report

A New Planned Parenthood Ghoul is Featured in Another Undercover Video Release

I wonder what this monster will be saying.



27 Comments on A New Planned Parenthood Ghoul is Featured in Another Undercover Video Release

  1. The media will simply spin this as a misunderstanding and state that Americans are unsophisticated, unworldly, know nothing rubes, because a lamborghini is really a meat and pasta dish. So there.

    Worse, there are those who will believe it.

  2. The last time I read any detail of what innocent angels go through in the process of abortion was from an article about Kermit Gosnell.

    I have never since clicked any audio, video, or link to anything so despicable and sad.

    These beasts walk among us everywhere.



    end if;

  3. I have been pointing out that the fact that the American and European Progressive movement was an enthusiastic early supporter of the National Socialists and that is documented in THEIR OWN contemporary literature published during the time that the Nazis were rising in stature and consolidating their power. This a stone cold natural fact and the Nazis only fell out of favor with the progressives when Hitler attached the Soviet Union.

    This video should come as no surprise and what is more it is just the tip of the iceberg. I guarandamntee it.

  4. No, what’s going to happen is that Boehner and McConnell will send some congressmen out there to complain loudly about PP funding. And then they’ll use the public outrage to get concessions from Congressional DNC leaders to give more breaks to some crony crapitalist sponsors of the GOP in some agricultural sector or highway sector or energy sector business. There will be some symbolic cutting of PP funding somewhere that will be bolstered up somewhere by some executive branch discretionary fund and literally nothing will change for the worse for PP. They might even end up with more money in the end.

  5. And we’re paying for them.
    And will continue to pay for them.

    Until God Almighty reaches out His mighty arm, and smites us back into fear of the Lord.
    And opens our eyes, that we can SEE evil, and know the face of evil.

    Until then, we are as complicit as the lowliest, bastard RINO … the foulest abortionist ghoul … that greedy infestation known as the FedGov.

    May God have Mercy on us.

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