A New Take On The Chicken And The Egg – IOTW Report

A New Take On The Chicken And The Egg

Apparently, Hollywood producer Shonda Rhimes believes there is the real possibility that if she and others who share her concern don’t get active about protecting government entitlements for women’s health, then “vaginas might go extinct.”


Which struck me as a new variation on the old Chicken and Egg argument, only this time the question is “Which goes extinct first, humans or vaginas?”

19 Comments on A New Take On The Chicken And The Egg

  1. Hmmm, this sounds like the MGTOW movement is gaining traction. Hooray! Let’s give these old crones a taste of their own medicine! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

  2. There will always be vaginas as long as there is one man left. That is if the left would leave us alone to use them for the purpose they were intended for like having sex with your wife and giving birth to children. Any other purpose is wasted. Call me old fashioned but that’s the way it should be. And if we ever go full Brave New World with artificial wombs we’re doomed.

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