A Nobody Tries To Make Himself Internet Famous After Following Woman To Her Home and Creating a Scene – IOTW Report

A Nobody Tries To Make Himself Internet Famous After Following Woman To Her Home and Creating a Scene

“CRAZY coincidence: @wypipo_h8, who calls himself a ‘viral video star,’ and who sells edgy anti-racist t-shirts, just happens to be getting called the N-word regularly by Seattleites. The actual incidents are never caught on film but he always posts a confrontation right after.”

Desperate for attention and acting like a cop, Karlos Dillard pulled up behind a woman in a Geo Metro after she pulled into a driveway of an apartment building and confronted her while recording with his phone Tuesday.

“Karen, you’re not going to sit there and flip me off,” he said as he walked up to her car and as she was stepping out of her car.

“You flipped me off!”

The woman became distraught, understandably so considering all the recent “Karen” videos that have led to people losing their jobs after they are video recorded in public committing undeniable acts of racism.

This isn’t the first time Dillard tried to make himself internet famous by confronting strangers. Here

13 Comments on A Nobody Tries To Make Himself Internet Famous After Following Woman To Her Home and Creating a Scene

  1. Seattle? Are you saying someone is trying to pull a stunt like that in Seattle? I just don’t believe it. It’s going to be damn tough for us conservative, law abiding citizens to not blow a gasket before November 3rd. And you just know there is a hell of an effort to egg us on.

  2. Joe6
    The shooting starts on or before Trump’s re election. It’s unavoidable now. And that’s what all this Antifa/BLM shit is about. Libtard run states have no interest in stopping them

  3. He’s the future Seattle politician who uses harassment, blackmail, threats, intimidation and shaming based on fabricated ‘racism’ or political incorrectness. People like him should team-up with Socialist/Communist Kshama Sawant of the Seattle City Council. Together, they could finish that city off after Queen Durkan leaves.

  4. Nonetheless, the woman in that video is SO typical of female Seattle libtardia. Absolutely, hysterically irrational when the chips are down.

    Wow. My place of birth reeks with mentally sick people.

  5. Sorry but that reaction was enough to make me puke. She was reduced to a cowering mess. Get a hold of yourself lady.

    This low life punk is enjoying the new power he has and he’s exploiting it.
    He needs someone to catch him doing this and give him an Alabama ass kicking.

  6. The knockout game {Polar bear hunting} is back and worse blacks are randomly shooting white people in the head on city streets.
    Lots of video’s out there when you can find them.

  7. So the girl ‘flipped’ him off. Big deal. Watch the video; when he isn’t able to convince on-lookers of his righteousness, he lies and states she called him a nigger, and was actually following and confronted him. Look at that kid. Do you think she is capable of calling a black man that (especially out in meat-space)?

    Too, congratulations to all the Seattle ‘men’ who came to her defense (right or wrong, this ‘man’ wasn’t comporting himself as a man…like Brad said, he needs his A-double kicked).

  8. So the girl ‘flipped’ him off.

    No she didn’t. It’s a setup using a false accusation like the Macy’s beating where the store manager wasn’t even aware the black racists there. This is the new Polar Bear Hunting for fame and fortune presented to you by YouTube and World Star Hip Hop.

  9. …for various reasons at various times in my life, not everyone I ever met became my friend. Because of this, it’s been sn inalteralble matter of policy for me to NEVER return home if there’s someone following me. Whatever beef someone might have with ME, I am NOT going to lead them home to my FAMILY, I’ll deal with it somewhere ELSE.

    And I ALWAYS check six. ALWAYS.

    And that was PRE-Internet days. With all the socialist media doxxing and such, it seems folks would be TWICE as aware about things like this, but the homing instinct and the bunker up mentality has been drilled into them WELL at this point, and younger liberal Whites like this appear to have had their self-preservation and fight or flight instincts overridden by guilt programming, so the beatings, rapes, and murderers of Whites will get to South Africa levels before long, and all the while with half the FBI and ALL the media rummaging through Bubba Wallace’s garage for something the same color as a RACIST might have used once, or something…

    …and the cops are taking a knee. On orders.

    …we’re on our OWN at the start of a genocide that will make the Holocaust look like a statistical error.

    …and you’ll never, EVER hear about it on the evening news…

  10. To begin, it is imperative to start holding Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and the like responsible as publishers. They are enabling libel and defamation.

    If they can censor the President, The Federalist, too many conservative blogs and commenters to name but let this fly then they are publishers.


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