A Number of Deadweight Federal Entities Gone with the Stroke of a Pen – IOTW Report

A Number of Deadweight Federal Entities Gone with the Stroke of a Pen

Conservative Briefing

The president directed [in a CR signed Friday] the targeted entities “be eliminated to the maximum extent consistent with applicable law,” insisting they “reduce the performance of their statutory functions and associated personnel.” It required the heads of each entity to submit a report to the Office of Management and Budget confirming full compliance within seven days, The Hill reported. More

9 Comments on A Number of Deadweight Federal Entities Gone with the Stroke of a Pen

  1. Remember that very tired yet accurate analogy of the boiled frog. It sure looks like POTUS Trump and MAGA are un-boiling him by whipping him out of the pot and putting him on ice!

    The 3 tenets of MAGA are: Making America more prosperous, making America safer/secure, and government of truth, justice and defense of the Constitution. In two words, “Common Sense.”

    We’ve lived our entire lives under the misconception that all these programs, departments, gov’t infrastructure, grants, NGOs, and etc, were legally supported by Constitutional authority in some way or another. We were wrong. We were, at times, skeptical, but we were content to believe that no one could get away with the likes of something like USAID for long.

    We’re going to have to overcome a different kind of skepticism and alarm at POTUS Trump’s putting the axe to every single root of these entities. No one or thing is entitled to tax-payer money just because they know someone who knows someone who has an inside to how our federal dollars are spent.

  2. I love ending the one about homelessness. University degrees in Social Work started in the early 1960’s, again to help people who are poor or women/children who are in abusive situations. Instead of that type of behavior decreasing, it has actually increased in the intervening 60 years and social workers are paid a very nice salary for NOT doing their jobs.

  3. There’s going to be many buildings growing cobwebs in those empty offices when those entities get shut down. The savings in electricity, heating and cooling will save Billions on their own. All those coffee machines use a lot of power. Many more Billions will be saved in over valued salaries and their top shelf healthcare.

  4. @AbigailAdams:

    We’ve lived our entire lives under the misconception that all these programs, departments, gov’t infrastructure, grants, NGOs, and etc., were legally supported by Constitutional authority in some way or another. We were wrong.

    Ahem. “We”? I wonder how many times over how many years I’ve written here something along the lines of, “I’ve looked and looked through the Constitution of the United States and I still cannot find the part that gives authority to the govt to do ________.”

  5. Uncle Al — Yes, you have posed that question many, many times! And you were right.

    It’s quite something, though, when even senators like Cruz and others who, one would think, would have an insider’s view of these things, comes out as late as a few days ago to say that even he had no complete understanding of how big the waste and fraud were, or how it was being perpetrated. And he’s not the only one. When asked about percentages, Musk said he thought — from what his team as so far uncovered — that the it’s about 80% waste and 20% fraud. Just uncovering the waste/fraud has been a monumental task due to the antiquity of the computer systems and database structures involved. It’s hard to even know if something is Constitutional or not if you can’t find it. The cherry on top of all this is the discovery of what Musk dubbed “Magic Money Computers”. There are, apparently, at least 15 of these at various agencies, used to disburse funds — via ACH, as all other funds are disbursed — for which the source of the disbursement authorization is unknown AND the recipients are also unknown. Clearly, no one can determine Constitutionality under those circumstances.

    You don’t know what you don’t know, right?


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