A Pant Lodestar – IOTW Report

A Pant Lodestar

What Does ‘Lodestar’ Mean, & Why Are People Using it to Implicate Mike Pence?


The piece was allegedly written by a senior Trump official who wished to reassure Americans that there was a secret resistance in the Trump administration, working to counter the president’s “amorality” and potentially working together to use the 25th Amendment to impeach Trump.

But there was one word in particular that struck many Twitter users as conspicuous: “lodestar.”

In the op-ed, the anonymous Trump official wrote, “We may no longer have Senator McCain. But we will always have his example — a lodestar for restoring honor to public life and our national dialogue. Mr. Trump may fear such honorable men, but we should revere them.”

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a lodestar is “a star that leads or guides,” or “one that serves as an inspiration, model, or guide.”

A simple enough definition- but here’s why people are freaking out about it.

The word “lodestar” was conspicuously used in the New York Times op-ed, specifically to describe the influence of the late Sen. John McCain.

Immediately, hordes of Twitter users began to connect the unusual word with Vice President Mike Pence, who has been known to use the word repeatedly throughout his vice presidency.

One Twitter user in particular pointed out that John Kelly and James Mattis, two other senior Trump officials under speculation for the article, have never once used the word “lodestar.”

On the other hand, Pence has used the word on multiple occasions.

Of course, this does not directly implicate Pence with the article; if anything, it could be an easy way for another Trump official to send the suspicion in his direction. But it’s worth noting, given what an unusual word “lodestar” is. It’s also worth noting that The New York Times has since confirmed it did not re-write the op-ed in any way.


No jerks. If the piece is real, the person responsible is Mike Pence’s SPEECH WRITER!!!!

35 Comments on A Pant Lodestar

  1. Eh, doubt it was Pence. Other than a speech writer, I would guess Sessions or one of Mueller’s boys did it. Or the NYT itself looked over WH related speeches and saw a weird word and ran with it.

    I have to ask- what is this trying to distract us from?

  2. Dem Congressman, Mueller related. Intel committee. Christopher Steele or Ohr. Someone like that. Or the NYT themselves. Because they’re dumb like that. LOL.

    I don’t see Pence as the writer. Why would he accept a VP position from Donald Trump when it was a sure-thing that Hillary was going to win? This would mean Pence would take the position with 100% knowledge Trump would win, so he could then screw him over. Pfft. So stupid.

  3. Frankly, I think the op-ed is pretty thin, intellectually, without much content or relevance. Whoever wrote it didn’t think about it much or is not very bright.

    Follow John McCain? ….that corrupt phony?

    Trump will catch the rat, in time. It won’t be much of a challenge for him.
    ….Lady in Red

  4. What do you hear every single time someone says “Impeach Trump”?

    They say, but then you’ll get Pence. Pence is a million times worse. Because pray the gay away or some stupid shit.

    The cynic in me says that they were being cutesy and trying to plant this on Pence. Standing to reason, if Trump makes Pence quit then whoever is the next on Celebrity Apprentice will be better after impeachment.

    Of course, this is all cornball coincidental timing with Woodward’s book blitz and dollars to doughnuts that whoever is Anonymous Op-Ed is also filling Woodward’s pantlode.

  5. It seems a bit peculiar to say “The NYT has confirmed…” C’mon, they’ll print fake news and then say whatever is expedient for them. Means nothing. I think it came from the Times itself.

  6. I leave this here. I do believe this was, and continues to be DJTs objective. He’s tweeting Treason today. That’s military tribunal territory. DJT need to wait until after Kavanaugh confirmation. Mean while the Libtards have reached a new level of crazy. Is it Pence? Don’t care. Find them, charge them, try them, shoot them. Something big is in the wind.


  7. @Cliche Guevara September 5, 2018 at 9:55 pm

    > Standing to reason, if Trump makes Pence quit then whoever is the next on Celebrity Apprentice will be better after impeachment.

    Since Trump gets to nominate the VP’s replacement, he needs to be sure the new guy has his own catchphrase. I vote for “longknife”.

  8. I think the Woodward book and this NYT Anonymous hit piece were supposed to be a one-two punch in October, but they had to deploy it early, for some reason. Or it could be just that point in the monthly attack cycle where they turn up the “Angry Crazy Baby” gaslight for a week. Whatever.

  9. Didn’t Lanny Davis act as an anonymous source claiming that Cohen would implicate Trump in the Russian meeting, and then was the source the media used to “confirm” the story? Excuse me if I don’t believe the New York Times anymore.

  10. My instinct is that it’s totally fake, designed to cause division in the administration. I said for years during 0bama…you must be willing to believe the absolute worst about the people in charge (the 0 admin) for any of this to make sense. Think the worst possible about the Left, then go 10 levels deeper into human depravity, deceit, perversion, lust for power, and corruption of soul. Now you’re there. As much as you’d like to, don’t forget the previous 8 years as the never-ending episode of the Twilight Zone that it was. Bit by bit, bring America down; destroy our history, traditions, and culture. When they say they’re Americans and they love this country too, know that they mean something entirely different than what you have in mind. They really do hate America and nearly had it all buttoned-up. They’re panicking because there’s much to hide and the mask is being ripped off.

  11. If you are on the mailing list for Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day, you will remember that “lodestone” was the word-of-the-day for August 28.

    Isn’t it curious? Maybe the word was uppermost in someone’s mind.

  12. The left is in the final stages of rabies – They’ll say or do anything to get what they want.
    Note the trail of bodies behind the Clinton cartel.
    Desperate psychos are dangerous!


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