A Particular Set Of Skills – IOTW Report

A Particular Set Of Skills

Michele Rigby Assad and her husband Joseph worked for the CIA for 10 years and were stationed in Iraq during the worst years after the overthrow of Saddam. She interrogated terrorists and gathered intelligence that saved lives there. After leaving the Agency, she found work as a consultant for firms seeking to invest in the Middle East, but their most rewarding work was arranging the evacuation of Iraqi Christians to the only nation they could find that would take them, Slovakia.


Assad has written a book, “Breaking Cover,” about her experiences and has been touring and giving interviews for the last month.

Talking about her faith and evacuating Christian families from Iraq, Here

A more in-depth interview at the International Spy Museum, Here




10 Comments on A Particular Set Of Skills

  1. I find it interesting that Slovakia is the only country that accepts Christian refugees because the church I attend supports the Abrams family missionaries in Slovakia. I recall them saying the government there is supportive in a way similar to how the US government was when America was first established.

  2. I had the impression that Slovakia was ready and able to take these 12 families immediately. They had to get them out quickly before ISIS caught up to them.

    God bless Slovakia, for stepping up to rescue those endangered in their time of need.

  3. I know what we’ll do…..we’ll show a picture of the couple so the Islamotard bad guys can ID them better for termination.

    Yeah, that’s how we’ll thank them for saving Christians.

  4. Tsunami….THEY went on a nationally televised television program.
    Breaking cover is how they’re getting publicity for their cause.
    They know the risks. This website can’t possibly make a difference at this point (with all due respect to the man in the bfh).
    Damn noble of them, if ya ask me. Quite courageous.

  5. I saw her on Book TV this weekend. Fascinating interview, full of experiences and perspectives that are foreign to me. She seems very bright, practical, and compassionate. I was particularly intrigued by her answers to questions of sexism in the spy world –and how low opinion/expectations of women in the Arab world allowed her to gather information that would be more difficult for a man to obtain.

  6. this article is three years old….

    let me repeat that, if you will…


    am i the only one who wonders why we’re only hearing about this NOW????….no, it’s not because they just recently broke cover…..they broke cover THREE YEARS AGO…..

    and no one, in the NEWS business, gave a shit…….maybe that was because the news business didn’t want to “compromise” their cover?……lol, that’s rich, that is……most in the “news” business would be glad to paint the target on these people, if only to be the first to cover their “untimely deaths”…..

    more likely, the “news business” didn’t want to upset obama’s applecart…..

    and by the way, who is really surprised that obama didn’t exactly “welcome” Christian refugees from the mideast, while he was advertising for “refugees” from south/central america, and importing, wholesale, refugees from sub-saharan africa…….

    we will never know the true measure of the harm THAT MAN has done to our country….we will be unraveling his schemes for at least the next century……and that is, ONLY IF WE HAVE THE WILL TO DO IT……

    otherwise….his legacy of minefields will continue to corrupt and erupt unexpectedly across the country…..

    he is evil, but he has never been stupid……he means to continue his “transformation” of our country……he’s working on it even now, at this moment…..he will not stop…..

    he will wear you down……and if he can’t, there will be another to take his place, and wear you down….

    have you ever dealt with workers comp?…i have….for years….their motto is….

    “wait, delay, withhold treatment, deny receiving paperwork, don’t pay, deny treatment,send them to another department,”we only process our own employees – ie people who work in worker’s comp – here”…keep them on hold for an hour and then hang up”

    this same approach will be taken to “accepting” Christian refugees…….scrutinize, scrutinize again, and then deny…..

    we have too many Christians here already……why should we let MORE in????


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