A Place for Dad – IOTW Report

A Place for Dad

The Babylon Bee portrays how difficult it can be to have the conversation with your loved ones about the best place for them to live out their remaining years. It’s tough, but sooner or later the subject has to be broached and a decision made. It’s best if the elder member of the family agrees with this life changing choice that should be good for three or four terms at least. Watch

9 Comments on A Place for Dad

  1. I’m 70, there is no way in hell that I would ever want to run for any kind of elective office. I’m too honest and I hate political correctness and kissing people’s asses to become a politician. Never, ever, ever. Is McConnelling going to be the new way to describe old guys having brain farts and not knowing what the heck is going on or where you’re at. Joey has it in spades. And he’s not even a post turtle like McConnell is.

  2. @geoff the aardvark

    I am slow about a lot of things but you hit on what I realized looong ago;

    Honest people are pushed out of politics because it has become so demeaning, self-degrading, anti-American, unconscionable and FUCKY.

  3. These liberal college indoctrinated fuck heads have destroyed our formerly great nation.

    Guess what – it started in grade school! They’ve been cranking out dumbed-down, pearl-clutching, bead-strumming, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, Kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, so-called “Victims”, in lock-step with Stupid for decades… only now they view the world thru their vaginas!

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