A Plague of a Different Sort – IOTW Report

A Plague of a Different Sort

The Federalist

Steven Michael Nasholm passed away “unexpectedly” on Jan. 30, according to his obituary

The 35-year-old husband, father, and trucking company owner was killed in a late January crash in northern Wisconsin’s Rusk County. Nasholm’s killer, according to police, was Jorge Sanchez-Tzanahua, a 22-year-drunk driver who was in the country illegally and had no business behind the wheel of a vehicle.

The fatality is another in a growing list of “unexpected” deaths allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant in President Joe Biden’s borderless America. More

13 Comments on A Plague of a Different Sort

  1. Catch, shoot on sight. Not a citizen, no protections. Send a message. Don’t want to be shot? Stay home in your own country. Sorry-not-sorry.

  2. OPERATION WETBACK was a great success for working and retired Americans. Deporting criminals materially cut costs for: hospitals, insurance, sheriffs and such. This resulted in budget surpluses 4 of next 5 years. Making inflation DEFLATION. All retired and working Americans got a big, TAX FREE, pay rise.
    Biden/Bush folk may have had their living standard reduced as they had to pay more for: cooks, drivers, gardeners, maids …

    This death and that of “say her name” show “as plain as the nose on your face” why OPERATION WETBACK was soo good for working and retired Americans. may have been bad for plutocrats like GWB!

    I was in Jr. high when OPERATION WETBACK ended. I speak from direct, personal knowledge of it wonderful effect on working Americans!


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