A Politically Correct Filter Added To Screening Of Future Doctors – IOTW Report

A Politically Correct Filter Added To Screening Of Future Doctors

If I’m sick enough to have to go to the doctor, I want that professional to be well-versed in the latest advances in the field and to leave politics and non-medical beliefs and opinions at the examining room door.  That apparently isn’t a priority for the the organization that administers the primary standardized test for acceptance into medical school, the Medical College Admission Test, or MCAT.

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), headed by psychiatrist Dr. Darrell Kirch for the last 11 years, has been very busy transforming medical school admissions “to place less emphasis on applicants’ grades, change the requirements for letters of recommendation, and alter the standardized application by requesting a great deal more information about students’ upbringing and life experiences.” Now the MCAT features questions on the wage gap, lack of diversity among faculty members and ask applicants to “select from a list of debatable definitions for “the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender.” More

12 Comments on A Politically Correct Filter Added To Screening Of Future Doctors

  1. Politics and medicine don’t mix. We were on vacation and Tired Son ended up needing to visit the emergency room for a sudden, high fever and rash. The admittance nurse sat in front of him, blocking his view of me, and ran him through a list of questions. One of them was, “Do you have a gun in your home.” I was within a hair’s breadth of yelling at her, “Can’t you see how sick this kid is? Who the eff cares WHAT we have in our home? We are half a continent away from our home state and our regular pediatrician, and my kid’s fever is so high I’m freaking out here, so shut the eff up and get the doctor, you dingbat!”

    But I held my tongue. And I heard my boy say, “No, mam.” Good boy 🙂

  2. Cal started implementing JFK’s “quota system” at its med school 57 years ago. It cost them – at least once – big $. A top scholar was denied admission to school. He knew his grades and scores were far better (higher) than most admitted. -BTW- guess his race + religion! He had some $, got a team of good lawyers and sued. It took over a decade but he did eventually win. His last name was Bake; I have forgot his first name. Yes I was a hospital “suit”.

    Bake had better grades and much hither score than over half those admitted instead of him. He belonged to the wrong GROUPS and was QUOTAED OUT!

  3. My dentist and chiropractor have both self-identified as having TDS. I am very happy with the service they provide so I just keep my mouth shut.
    I don’t know whether the opposite is often the case in conservative country but I am guessing not.

  4. In my mind’s eye I can see this happening:
    Presbyterian Hospital
    Somewhere, USA.

    Dear Mr. Rivera,
    We are happy to inform you that the redness on your penis
    was not cancerous; It was lipstick.
    We deeply regret having removed it prior to viewing the lab results.
    See you in Court.
    Sincerely, The Staff.

  5. If I was a liberal progressive I guess I’d feel more comfortable with my doctor if I felt my physician shared my beliefs, until I realized it doesn’t translate to better care.

  6. “Kirch’s plan to shift the focus of medical-school admissions toward a “new excellence,” a standard based less on test scores and more on “the attitudes, values, and experiences” of applicants.”

    Translation: Not enough minorities can make the grade to get into medical school, so we have to do something.


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