A Prayer Request For Our Community – IOTW Report

A Prayer Request For Our Community

This came as a bit of a shock. A beloved reader woke up feeling not quite right, went to the hospital, and received some shocking news only hours later.

Abigail Adams has had a potentially life-changing event and has requested a rather specific prayer. (She believes God likes it when we are very specific whenever possible.)

Please ask specifically that they pray that I can get in early next week (Tuesday) to see Dr. Erik L. Torgerson to start treatment/schedule surgery (preferably before the new year).Β  – Abigail


102 Comments on A Prayer Request For Our Community

  1. Often when I don’t know what to bring to God, I simply ask His will be done. I trust He has superior knowledge and take comfort in that simple request (plus, it’s freeing to relinquish my own control, which is a difficult thing to do.)
    Whatever lies ahead AA, you’re included in my prayers that you find answers sooner rather than later, that you take comfort in God’s care, with strength to face any challenges before you.

  2. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ

  3. Praying, my sister, along with all the others in our IOTW Family. Be strong and of good courage, and may the peace that passes understanding be yours. Blessings to you and your family.

  4. But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. 26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
    Romans 8:25-27

    Abby, know we pray – Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven

  5. Prayer team notified,
    Lord, you know what Abigail needs, provide her with all she needs and desires. Provide her doctors the wisdom to identify and cure her ailment.
    Give Abigail your resting peace and strength for the coming days or healing.
    Thank You Lord for Abigail and all you have done and will do for her.

  6. Being a believer in the direct approach, I just sent word to Dr. Erik L. Torgerson that if he knows what’s good for him, he’ll get Abigail Adams’ appointment scheduled STAT, or else he may be getting a visit from some IOTWR members named Guido and Salvatore, during which he may be doing some praying himself, if you catch my drift.

    I think you’ll get in now, AA.


  7. No words can accurately express my gratitude, guys. (But, you know me, I’ll try).

    I want to thank our own Big Fur Hat for his touching words that he sent me via email last night. What a peach (don’t tell him I said so).

    Yeah, it’s the big “C”. Anyone here who’s been through this or has been with a loved one who has, will know how outside the box — outside the contours of your ordinary life — finding out it has settled on you feels. And the unkindest cut of all is getting the news when you’re standing there in one of those impersonal hospital gowns, trying to cover your nakedness and feeling waif-ish, surprisingly alone and incredulous.

    God is good. And so are you.


  8. I wish I could respond to each of you personally. I hope you’ll understand if I don’t right now. But, Vietvet, I’ll know what happened if the receptionist puts me on hold for a moment, comes back to the phone and stutters her way through some lame excuse about me being on a “banned” list. LOL!

  9. Abigail:
    “Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.” –Padre Pio
    God will hear all our prayers for you. And the good doctor will hear from Vietvet…

  10. Fear not, AbigailAdams. The Lord is with you. Trust Him – let The True and Living God order your steps. Praying for your healing and recovery. Expecting a testimony from you, filled with miraculous, inspiring evidence of God’s Love and favor.

  11. Abigail Adams,
    All of us here are standing around the IOTW “Charlie Brown” Christmas tree in a large circle, holding our web-connected hands & praying for a very special Christmas Gift for you in that all goes well & you are soon on the road to a speedy recovery.

  12. I just got home and I want to say Thank You to all of you .
    This is one of the best things about iOTW , when one of us needs prayers and help this group steps up.
    Thank You Mr. Big Fur Hat it means a lot what you have done .
    Again Thank You all of you. We will get through this .

    PS. AA is not going away anytime soon she has work to do in 2020.

  13. Abigail, you do know that the big C is very popular these days, right? I mean, all the “smart set” are getting it now. Fortunately, there’s a lot of treatment options available for almost any flavor you may have. Put your care in the hands of your doctors and let them work their craft. That’s why they went to medical school, and we didn’t.

    P.S. – As far as the hospital gown thingy, just accept this one idea and it will make your hospital experience a lot easier:

    When you go in the hospital, you check your modesty at the door. You can pick it up again when you leave, but while you’re in there you’re just a broken machine that needs fixing, and they don’t care if you’re naked or not. It’s just a job to them.

    Hope this helps.

  14. Vietvet — I can’t even tell you how hard we laughed at your other comment. “Guido and Salvatore” “..if you catch my drift.” Too funny!

    Yeah, I know cancer is almost passe’, but if they’d told me I was pregnant I would have been a lot less surprised. . .and shocked. . .and frightened by it.

    (I asked for Dr. Torgerson because he’s not just a great doctor for this, but he’s dashingly good looking, too.) Actually, I consider that God was looking after me from the start because Dr. T “just happened” to be at the hospital yesterday and “just happened” to read initial tests and he’s the one who ordered the CT. I didn’t get to meet with him, though. Apparently there was enough info on the ultrasounds that he didn’t hesitate to confirm what he was seeing.

    You’re a really funny guy. I’d invite you to a software engineering party.

  15. Abigail,

    Sorry to hear about your troubles.

    Suggestion: You already seem to have a good sense of humor, which is good. A positive mental attitude will go a long way.

    My suggestion is to start detoxifying your body with foods that help your system become more alkaline. Cancer is supposed to die in an alkaline environment.

    There’s a book titled, “CLEAN”. Get it.

    Prayers for you, hon. We’ll get this crap out of your system for good.

  16. Abigail Adams I’ll try to recreate this from what I wrote earlier but it just disappeared.

    I fully understand where your thoughts are at right now. I got hit between the eyes in February with a stage 3 advanced diagnosis. When they let me come home I started searching the net for answers and hopefully cures. After going all in,(chemo,radiation, immuneotherapy, nutrition) my October pet scan showed no hotspots. I will find out at January’s scan if I can celebrate a bit. I included a couple of websites that can help you get started but maybe that is why my post disappeared. An email address is listed with my handle so BFH can give you that if you would like some information on beating this thing. My prayers are with you.

    Remember one thing: a positive attitude and a good sense of humor(along with a baseball cap or a snazzy wig /sarc) are your strongest weapons!!!

  17. @Pogo
    “All of us here are standing around the IOTW β€œCharlie Brown” Christmas tree in a large circle, holding our web-connected hands & praying”

    I love that image. Perfectly said.

    You got this, Abigail. Let us know if you need anything.

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