A Push To Change the Name of Negro Bar Channel in NY – IOTW Report

A Push To Change the Name of Negro Bar Channel in NY

The Patch-

Sen. Charles Schumer has joined the Town of Hempstead in the fight to have the racially charged Negro Bar Channel renamed after a fallen firefighter from Inwood.

On Thursday, Schumer announced he will introduce new federal legislation to rename Negro Bar Channel, a waterway that straddles Inwood and Far Rockaway, after an African American hero and deceased Inwood firefighter, Joseph Sanford Jr., who was killed while on duty in 2014.

…federal law requires a person be deceased at least five years before renaming a navigational channel in their honor. Schumer’s bill will bypass this bureaucratic hurdle and allow the waterway to be renamed in Sanford’s honor.

This would not be the first time Negro Bar Channel had its name changed. It had an even worse, more racist name prior to 1963. But then the federal government purged that particular slur from all American maps and geographic features.


I researched the original name of the waterway and it was, indeed, called the “even worse” name on the map prior to 1963. ( Oddly, in that purge, any area called Jap was also removed. Jap, at that time, was deemed the 2nd most egregious derogatory term in the country, and 2 this day “ni••er” and “Jap” are the only 2 federally banned pejoratives that cannot appear on maps.))

In the article I read I found a particularly hilarious quote –

“Good grief,” moaned Leon Jenkins, president of the Los Angeles chapter of the NAACP, when told about the site. “That is just about as offensive as it gets because nowhere in the English language was that used other than to be a slur at little girls.”

As a way of example, I propose Negro Bar Channel be changed to Colored People Channel, just so I can hear Leon Jenkins, the president of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, moan, “good grief, that is just about as offensive as it gets.”

I can’t help but think that the term “black,” as in “Black Lives Matter,” will one day be seen as an offensive word from yesteryear.

The left seeks to divide us by identity right up until the day they decide that divisions are racist.

Now excuse me while I search maps for Cracker Creek so I can spend all my waking hours trying to have it changed. Once it’s changed to White Creek, the black SJWs can protest against it as a sign of white oppression and privilege.

ht/ js




29 Comments on A Push To Change the Name of Negro Bar Channel in NY

  1. ““Good grief,” moaned Leon Jenkins, president of the Los Angeles chapter of the NAACP, when told about the site.”

    Does this guy live under a rock? Wait until he finds out there’s a recreational area in Folsom California, 400 miles north of his dumb ass, named Negro Bar.

  2. George Carlin did a hilarious riff on PC mayors and real estate developers replacing authentic pioneer place names with PR bland vanilla marketing Yuppie names.

    Goodbye, County WorkHouse Road and Old Man Jenkins’ Trail.
    Hello SmokeRise HillCrest WoodRidge CrestLawn LakeWoods CrestMillWoodLawnRidgeCrest Condominiums.

  3. @Rufus – Until a year ago when they got bought out and had to repaint all their trucks, we had a grounds and lawn service here named ValleyCrest. Carlin would’ve loved that one, and I can hear him asking, “Just where do you find the crest of a valley?”

  4. I don’t know about the Negro Bar in NY, but the Folsom Negro Bar was the area all the Negro’s camped when they were dredging the area for gold. I believe they also camped/lived there for some rail road construction. They have a little museum in old town Folsom that captures the history. These people are erasing their own heritage.

  5. Schmucky Schemer has zero problems wasting taxpayer money on virtue signaling. The taxpayers have zero problem with it as this vile Stalinist keeps getting elected.

  6. @Uncle Al, Carlin would have loved the last 8 years. Unlimited material. If he hadn’t been jailed for Hate Speech.

    We should all make a point of continuing his example. Call it Channeling Carlin.

    @Brad, erasing their history is the intentional plan. So it can be completely rewritten, in far more grandiose victimizations.

    Soon Third Wave Black Critical Theory will be unveiled for official adoption.
    We will be taught about evil Whites like the Founders who personally sailed US Navy warships to Africa, where all the thousands of black Neurosurgeons, Rocket Scientists and Nanobiologists were seized from their 18C African universities and kidnapped to Amerikkka. Tortured and water boarded all the way. And forced to work as laboratory slaves, with their families threatened as hostages in between gang rapings.
    All the inventions of Franklin, Jefferson, Edison, Bell, the Wright Brothers, and NASA are all stolen from Black enslaved scientists.
    Because, reparations. Reducing the White population, then enslaving the survivors, will simply be “justice”.
    Just wait. Critical Race Theory is almost there now. If Hilary had won they’d be printing new textbooks next year.

  7. Washington! While they’re busy pissing away what little time they actually do spend on the job on moronic crap like this, real world problems are ignored. The whole damn lot of them should be dragged out of the capital building and tarred and feathered with Schumcky being 1st in line.

  8. BFH, you should have no trouble finding a Cracker Creek in Florida. But you’ll probably have to go north towards the panhandle. “Cracker” is a name carried proudly and historically there.

  9. And who could forget the movie Dam Busters, 1955. The squadron mascot was a black dog named Nigger. Sadly he was run over and killed at the end of the story.

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