A question needs an answer – IOTW Report

A question needs an answer

MDB asks-

When Joe Biden arrived at Joint Base Andrews and deplaned, there was a Chinese looking guy who came down the steps, always standing between Joe and Jill.

He appears to be some high ranking official, party or military, and he had a very communist looking lapel pin on.

Is this why Biden didn’t use the normal plane from the White House fleet and, instead, shelled out the bucks to charter a private plane?

Here’s a picture of the guy.  He’s not been mentioned once in the media.              

32 Comments on A question needs an answer

  1. It looked like that all the security (SS?) personnel had the same lapel pin.

    When President Trump traveled, if he took his family, it was only Barron and Melania. When a dem travels, they take an entourage that’d choke a horse. They’re freeloaders who take advantage of every government perk. IMHO.

  2. He’s the guy who keeps Jill “entertained” while Joey’s playing sock puppets.
    He’s known as “Pool Boy,” “Tongue Bath Boy,” “Body Guard,” and “Girl Friday.”
    On staff at the Chinese Embassy.

    izlamo delenda est …


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