A Rather Pungent Exchange – IOTW Report

A Rather Pungent Exchange

I hadn’t watched the debate but everyone said Biden dropped a bomb. Now with what seems to be hidden microphones that never made air we are treated to a give and take between the candidates that many say left a bad smell.

Be warned, if you are in anyway offended by the sound of people breaking wind and find ribald humor to be even lower than puns, then you’re really not going to enjoy this post. Here

16 Comments on A Rather Pungent Exchange

  1. To gauge the extent and odor of Joe’s rectal emissions, scientists would have to place fart-o-meters on Joe’s podium, adjacent to the groin area. Maybe for the next debate, assuming Joe shows up.

    Joe’s Farts need careful scientific appraisal so that voters will have additional critical information about which candidate to vote for.


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