A Real Bowlful – IOTW Report

A Real Bowlful

A recent article in the British Dental Journal accuses cereal makers like Kelloggs and Nestle of putting pictures of bowls with three times the recommended amount of cereal in them. “Frosties, Coco Pops and Crunchy Nut cornflakes are cereal offenders with nutritional information showing sugar quantities based on a much smaller serving size.” More

25 Comments on A Real Bowlful

  1. I’m supposed to take advice from the British Dental Journal.


    Next I suppose North Korea will be lecturing us on how to provide light for cities.

  2. Shit, nothing but rank amateurs…my brother used a stainless steel mixing bowl (yea, the one with a ring on it), a half gallon of whole milk and table spoon w/his Cap’n Crunch

  3. Capitalism persecuted. If your to stupid to figure out sugar makes you fat you should put a gun in your mouth. It figures it was the British. They’re fucking done as a Nation.

  4. Aaron Bur

    Glocks are full of Gluten. If the bullet wound doesn’t kill you, the Gluten will. I’m not sure how, but it has been documented on Whole Foods blog page.

  5. Well, it wasn’t nutritionists’ research that discovered and started promoting the idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That false notion was started by cereal companies as a scheme to sell more cereal. And get people addicted to eating more of it by all the sugar they put in it.

    However, nothing is keeping them from grabbing a tube of tooth paste and a tooth brush and doing the required ritual. Plus a little self responsibility, or in this case parental responsibility, goes a long way toward erasing the habit of always blaming someone else for their own poor choices. Capitalism provides an abundance of choices, the responsibility to choose wisely how much of the abundance to use is your own.

  6. Mr.Anth Ropey, you tell granny that she can’t have her large bowls. She would kick your butt and Ellie Mae would carry your unconscious body off the property.

  7. Kelloggs is still on the ban list for their SJW stances so tough shit if someone is poaching Tony the Tiger who self-identifies as a pussycat.

    If the Cult of Californica can’t self regulate their cereal intake, then maybe Reverend Sun Myung Moonbeam should restrict their access to high capacity tablespoons.


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