A Reminder of Just How Scummy and Disingenuous Jerry Nadler Is – IOTW Report

A Reminder of Just How Scummy and Disingenuous Jerry Nadler Is

Gerrymandering is a political reality, but this is ridiculous. This manipulation exempts Nads from ever pontificating from above as if he’s floating on a cloud of political pureness.

He is a disgusting rat bastard.


This gerrymandering is designed to cut out the minority vote so his flabby white ass can stay a congressman and the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.


What is the result of this unlikely serpentine district? It just so happens it is more than 70 percent white, in a city where white people are less than 50 percent of the population. It somehow also manages to be less than 5 percent black in a city where black people make up a quarter of the population. 

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20 Comments on A Reminder of Just How Scummy and Disingenuous Jerry Nadler Is

  1. “With Hearts Full of Love” – Speaker Pelosi Tells Committee Chairman to Proceed with Articles of Impeachment (VIDEO)


    Nancy Pelosi Announces Democrats Will Begin Drafting Articles of Impeachment


  2. Yet more proof that the Democrat Party are the real racists in this nation.

    *Party of Slavery
    *Party of Segregation & Jim Crow
    *Party of KKK
    *Party of Gun Control Against Blacks
    *Party of the Welfare Plantation
    *Party of Jew-Hatred

  3. Whatever happened to the Hope Hicks-Jerry Nadler video highlighting the difference between classy and trashy?
    I looked for it and now can’t find it. I originally saw it here on IOTWReport first.


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