A Reminder That War is Hell – Tank and Soldiers Explode – IOTW Report

A Reminder That War is Hell – Tank and Soldiers Explode

13 Comments on A Reminder That War is Hell – Tank and Soldiers Explode

  1. Odds are that’s a Ukrainian tank, and this is kinetic projection by some U-tuber. But point taken regardless. War kills, and we are feeding the machine.

  2. “…all of this so Democrats can launder money.”

    Money stolen from the American Taxpayers.
    The Treasonous maggots aren’t laundering their OWN money, they’re laundering OURS.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This is counter intuitive, but one of the most dangerous places you can be in modern war (between peers) is inside a tank. Americans fighting Germans in Nortwest Europe discovered this to their horror — the most dangerous job of all was being a tanker inside a Sherman

    It was always a high priority target, and there are now a dozen ways to kill one. Even in WWII, Germans had about 6 different ways to kill a Sherman

  4. That ordinance looks like it originated from the tank itself just below the turret. With so much misinformation and CGI manipulation by the media it’s hard to tell what’s real anymore.


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