A Roundabout, For Bikes – IOTW Report

A Roundabout, For Bikes

A few staffers of the MacIver Institute gave the bike roundabout in Fitchburg, WI a try.

Cue the Benny Hill music


13 Comments on A Roundabout, For Bikes

  1. There is nothing wrong with roundabouts in principle. But in practice they are annoying because of stupid people. There are two kinds of stupid; the kind that hit the roundabout at full speed and never slow down, and the kind that come to a complete stop when there is no one else in sight. The #@$% sign says YIELD, for the love of God!

  2. What Tony R said. And I bet you’d that the people who blow through Stop signs are the same ones who stop for no reason at roundabouts.

    And if you’re in the roundabout, do not assume that the mexican landscape truck knows that you have the right of way. You’d be wrong every time.

    One time, I had to stop in the roundabout and lay on my horn because a woman was approaching me from the wrong direction. When she finally stopped hood to hood with my truck, she put down her phone and crossed her arms. I waited incredulously, as did the four cats behind me, then I said, “fuck this noise”, climbed the curb and drove across the middle of the circle, as did the cars behind me. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

  3. I’ll be going through one today, maybe two.

    I don’t like the ones here because so many people do weird things at them. Some people are obviously in fuck-it mode and actually go against traffic and the signs because it’s easier to take the left than go all the way around. Why some blow the stop signs is a mystery too. Nothing like making your round and the next guy almost running into you. Plus, if you need stop signs, why are we doing this round-about thing?

    The one at the local shopping area is just plain stupid. It’s so small it’s just an odd impediment that’s unnecessary. Nothing is safer or quicker for it for reasons noted above.

  4. Every time I see an unnecessary physical traffic control device to force someone’s idea of how it should be – I think: ‘$10 says a fucking Democrat came up with this. They can’t help but try to control everyone’.

    This bike round-about is a perfect example of that.

  5. In a similar vein are speed bumps. People don’t realize it but the faster you go over most speed bumps the less you feel it. That is if you have a decent suspension.

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