A Sad Twisted Individual – IOTW Report

A Sad Twisted Individual

A person identified as Linda Patricia Thompson walked into a Cheyenne, WY bank and handed the clerk a note demanding money. The clerk complied and the bank robber then exited the building only to camp out in front and proceed to throw the money in air and try to give it away to passersby until the police arrived.

Thompson it turns out was recently released from the Oregon penal system and wanted to return to incarceration as quickly as possible.


Think something’s a little manly about Ms. Thompson’s appearance?

Turns out California runs a medical facility just for the male to female transgender inmates.


14 Comments on A Sad Twisted Individual

  1. It needs to make restitution to those who paid for its continued existence all this time (i.e. we the taxpayers). If it won’t work to earn enough to at least make some payments toward its debt, then it should be parted out.

  2. @PJ The article is on the plight of MTF in prison with Thompson used as a poster example. My theory is that Thompson so obvious looked like a dude in pig tails that the author of that article had to find another example of a MTF inmate.

    Further down there is a picture of an Asian MTF.

    If you look at the article though it starts right off on Thompson and later on discusses a lawsuit which got the person into the CA facility where they subsidize estrogen treatment for inmates wanting to transition.

    Also note from the article that Thompson has mutilated himself twice, nearly bleeding to death.

  3. The good people of Cheyenne need to IGNORE the bank robbery felony and send this creep back to Oregon on the obvious parole violation. No need for the beautiful Gem CIty on the Plains to carry expenses for this brave Bruce Jenner wannabe.

    Else, in return for all the coal revenues lost to WY because of Zero’s globull warming policies, they should send this he/she directly to the WHite House. It can room with Barry and save us all the $$$$$$.

  4. “Also note from the article that Thompson has mutilated himself twice, nearly bleeding to death. ”

    Third time’s a charm, I hear.

    If at first you don’t succeed…

    Quitting is for losers!

    Hey. Just trying to help him with his lack of commitment and follow-through!

    Wouldn’t say I’m trying to be a life coach, though.

  5. As I was leaving the county jail when visiting hours ended, almost 6 years ago, there was an older black man in the group waiting for the elevator. He said: “Man. they gots it good!”

    I raised an eyebrow and said: ‘Whaat?’

    Him: “Three meals a day. Shelter. No rent. Medical attention. Man, they gots it easy in here.”

    Me: ‘What about your freedom to have a life you want?’

    Him: Waves a hand dismissively as if saying “pshaw!” “I’d rather be in here.”

    That told all I needed to know about what conservatives are up against with the GimmeFreeShit crowd.

  6. Prisoners must be made to earn their keep. Everyone else does.

    And the more expensive they make their upkeep (through bad, uncooperative behavior), the harder they should have to work to pay their way.
    Problem solved.

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