A self-described liberal snowflake gets to know gun culture from the inside – IOTW Report

A self-described liberal snowflake gets to know gun culture from the inside

The Stranger

My project was simple: Buy a handgun and carry it, loaded, on my person, for some period of time.

I didn’t know the difference between one brand and another, I didn’t understand that “caliber” referred to size of ammunition, and until I actually thought about it, I didn’t realize why some guns were called pistols and others revolvers. I was a neophyte, verging on phobic. I thought of guns as dark magic, unpredictable talismans, better left alone.

I had no illusion that learning to hold, shoot, own, care for, and carry one would make me an expert in anything, only that it would bring me one step closer to being able to participate in the gun-control debate without having to say, “I mean, I’ve never even held a gun before, but…”

The first step was to apply for a concealed carry permit.

___time lapse in story____

Sitting there on my kitchen table, unloaded but next to a box of bullets, it was almost as though the gun was pulsating. The center of gravity in the room changed unmistakably. It was now a room with a gun in it.

As I loaded the magazine with bullets (a bit of a squeeze, PS), I literally flinched as I imagined misfiring. What if one of these little brass and lead numbers went out the window and hit someone waiting for the bus across the street, or went through the wall and hit one of my neighbors, or went across the room and hit one of my dogs? How many lives could be ended, and how many more ruined, all because of this ugly L-shaped tool?

T_____time lapse in story______

it was perhaps inevitable that the very first thing I did when I brought the gun home and was alone with it was to put it in my mouth.


This is the guy who is going to write a piece that dissuades people from gun ownership.

Sounds like he shouldn’t own a hair-dryer.


ht/ JD Hasty

36 Comments on A self-described liberal snowflake gets to know gun culture from the inside

  1. “The first time I was hospitalized for acting on suicidal ideation, I was 15 years old. ”

    How in the fxck does someone like this own a gun? If he thinks nothing of taking his own life he won’t blink twice when it comes to taking yours.
    Some topic we should discuss amongst us some sober night. The 2nd amendment does not differentiate between felons, mental patients, and law biding citizens. I can’t count how many times people have posted here “The 2nd is my carry permit”. OK, I’m good with that. What about felons and mental patients?

  2. I had never owned a hairdryer before, the had always seemed scary, made for those metro-sexual types. I did know anything about ions or watts, only that it might burn my scalp in a second. I went to the bathroom,plugged it in and proceeded to sprawl out in the tub.

  3. I had never owned a hairdryer before, they had always seemed scary and made for those metro-sexual types. I didn’t know anything about ions or watts, only that it might burn my scalp in a second. I went to the bathroom,plugged it in and proceeded to sprawl out in the tub.

  4. Well you’re just more than a little nuts to put a loaded gun in your mouth.
    As to Brad’s question, it’s a good question, just not really any good answers. For instance I know a guy who is in his 50’s, when he was 18 he did something stupid and was convicted of a felony. Since that time he has been a model citizen, yet he cannot legally own a gun. I kind of think that’s a little unfair.
    I know another guy who is an alcoholic and he has been arrested for numerous DUIs over the years, all but two getting reduced to reckless driving, yet he’s not told he can’t own a car.

    When it comes to mental illness, who is going to make that determination? I know another guy who retired after 35 years of being in LE. He is mental and was mental all the years he was an officer or at least I call a man who would play russian roulette mental. He did this many times over the years and seemed to get some weird thrill out of doing it in front of people. My personal opinion someone like that has no business owning a gun, much less wearing a badge, yet he did both and still owns a gun that he legally carries.

  5. From the article:

    “I have envisioned killing myself in styles baroque and anonymous. I have written extensive suicide notes, including personalized messages to everyone I care about. I have pushed the edge of a razor blade until the tip punctured my wrist, and then stopped. But the realistic, recurring fantasy has always involved a gun.

    I don’t feel suicidal all, or even most, of the time. I take medication to help.”


    Either the whole article is a lie or he lied on his applications about mental illness / medications. In any case, this mentally fragile and emotionally unstable person should not be allowed anywhere near a firearm for the safety of others as well as himself.

  6. @ Joe 6: I wondered too! Here’s what I found

    Section 5150 is a section of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) (in particular, the Lanterman–Petris–Short Act or “LPS”) which authorizes a qualified officer or clinician to involuntarily confine a person suspected to have a mental disorder that makes him or her a danger to him-or herself, a danger to others, and/or gravely disabled.
    5150 (involuntary psychiatric hold) – Wikipedia, the free encyclope…

  7. I’ll try it again, my fault,

    Old Racist White Woman

    My experience is not unlike yours. I’m leaning towards turn gun ownership loose. Everyone gets one. The true intent of the 2nd. Owning a gun is easy. Being good with one is a discipline. I’m saying this would be a great topic some night. Are you listening FUR? You should tee this up on your busiest night.

  8. I love Archie Bunker. It was great when he went on tv and described how he would end plane hijacking. On boarding, issue every adult a pistol, problem solved. He was great.

  9. Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand?

    Old meat Head use to produce a lot of those episodes. I remember watching that one with the canned laughter set on 10. The problem is, that is reality.

  10. “It’s a gun. It’s a tool. It’s for killing people. How can that be beautiful?”
    No you jackanapes, it’s for protecting people and sport, the 2nd amendment is for protecting people.
    If that isn’t beautiful, I don’t know what is.
    Only during times of war and criminality is it for killing people.
    “What a maroon.” – Bugs

  11. Hey Joe, All Along the Watchtower, Loan Me a Dime, Gimmie Shelter, there’s a bunch of of them. We would hang out in Cary’s basement because his parent didn’t care if we drank. It might be time to put together my set list.

  12. Brad, I lean the same way. I can just see the argument for and against felons owning guns and can see the argument against the mentally ill owning guns.
    The problem for the gun control crowd is even if we didn’t have a 2nd amendment there are a lot of guns in this country(not that I see that as a bad thing) and just like you can’t keep every drunk from driving a vehicle you can’t keep every nut from getting a gun.
    I see guns differently than many people and didn’t see a gun as the intent of the 2nd amendment until way into adulthood. Guns were a way of life. I was raised with guns and they were used as tools for food and to protect livestock(also food) from predators. Having a gun was no different than having an axe, hoe or tractor, they all could be dangerous if you were stupid and they all served a purpose in daily life.

    So, I would rather deal with the chance that a nut gets a gun than deal with gun control that is nothing more than trying to make it impossible(their goal) for me to have a gun and in the least more inconvenient for me to buy a gun.

  13. @ Old Racist White Woman

    Not sure about where you are, but a felony is not a life sentence of no-guns-for-you in Texas. Five years past the end of your parole or fully served sentence and you’re good to go. If you are clean-nosed all that time.

    It’s not forever here and it’s a good chance it isn’t where you’re at too. Provided he actually has a clean record since then.

    He could come to Texas and be a gun owner if what you say is true.

    I was surprised when I learned it, but it’s true.

    As for the fear of nuts having guns – that why everyone should carry. So you can put that dummy down. Amazing how well behaved people can be once they realize their life is on the line for that behavior.

  14. The mental illness disqualification is an adjudicated one. IWO – if a judge has declared you mentally unfit in some court somewhere or you have been committed to a mental hospital.

    It’s on page 1 line 11 F of the 4473 firearm transfer form.


    So it’s possible you can be actually crazy, not yet go through the mill for it, and still buy a gun legally.

    It’s also possible the background check doesn’t catch a M. H. stint at all.

  15. Holy crap. He went looking for trouble where he might need to use it. No no no no moron. Just have your normal life. If you wouldn’t go somewhere without a gun, you shouldn’t go there with a gun unless it’s your job to do that.

    If it makes you feel braver – you’re doing it wrong. Safer, yes. Braver, no.

    I’m even more convinced a disqualifying line on the form should ask if you’re a liberal.

    Earlier he referred to innocent people getting killed by them. Completely missing that innocent people save themselves with them even more often.

    F**k this guy pisses me off. Totally happy he got rid of it at the end. I’m out.

  16. Robert Heinlein wrote a sci fi book with universal gun ownership as part of the society. One of his older, lesser known books, but still a good one, “Beyond This Horizon”, late 50s or early 60s, if I remember correctly

  17. New check for gun ownership:

    Does the room spin when you handle the gun?
    Do you fantasize about killing bystanders, neighbors, or pets?
    Do you put the gun into your mouth?
    Have you had instruction in firearms and safe handling?

  18. What?

    Now “guns” are gonna have to carry a warning: “Don’t put this in your mouth?”

    Some things, which are self-evident to humans, seem obscure and shadowy to “liberals” and other assorted freaks.

    izlamo delenda est …

  19. Dad of 4, in my state only a pardon by the governor can restore a felon’s gun rights. So it is a life sentence unless you know the right people to get it on the governor’s desk.

  20. This may have been the biggest pile of road apples I have read this year. There are many things pointing to the fact that this writer is attempting to pound sunshine where it never goes.
    1. I don’t know of any state that issues a CCL without proof of a firearm safety course, a hunter safety course or a DD 214 with small arms training indicated.
    2. If he actually filled out the application and lied on the drug and mental health questions … that is a felony in most states, .. and his article could be used as evidence against him.
    3. This person is a danger to himself and society in general, and should not be permitted to cross the street without adult supervision. (He will probably end up as a hood ornament for someone’s life Silverado)

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