A shooting in Missouri will be big news – IOTW Report

A shooting in Missouri will be big news

I have to say, though, that there must be something wrong with me. I’m being impacted more by the grammar in this clip than anything else.

God forgive me.


19 Comments on A shooting in Missouri will be big news

  1. Funny how cops always shoot innocent, surrendering negroes and let all the murderous, racist, white-ass honkey muthuhfuckuhs go about their business, ain’t it?
    KC is KNOWN for its myriad legions of red-neck-laden pick-em-up trucks careening through the streets and boulevards shooting (with evil-looking black assault weapons), hanging, raping, and murdering peaceful negroes.

    Their (they’re?) otter be a law!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. With a short video only showing what that annoying woman posted, I don’t believe anything.
    If it was a justified shooting I hope the cops had their bodycams on.
    How fast do you think the t-shirts and signs that have, “Say her name” will be seen?

  3. They shot her 5 times and she’s still alive?
    They should all report to the firing range and Hogan’s Alley with 1000 rounds each and improve their marksmanship.
    Ammunition is expensive; one round, one kill


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