A Short Reminder Of How The World Of Washington Works – IOTW Report

A Short Reminder Of How The World Of Washington Works

Front Page Mag

The difference between resistance and sedition, between protests and insurrections, is who’s in charge. Democrats resist Republican elected officials. Republicans however commit sedition against Democrat elected officials. Democrats protest, Republicans riot. These aren’t distinctions in law. The only real distinction is who’s in power and who’s on the barricades.

Political hypocrisy isn’t a new phenomenon, but Democrats weaponizing the national security state to suppress the political opposition over the same behavior they engage in is a serious threat to the survival of the United States as anything other than a banana republic in a civil war. More

4 Comments on A Short Reminder Of How The World Of Washington Works

  1. WE here at IOTWr, are carrying the scissor, or sharp KNIFE edge, to the TENSION in the rope…in that thumbnail.


    And they allll falll down.

    What a shame…

  2. @Jethro

    Stop paying taxes!!! It’s the only non-violent way to stop this death of a thousand cuts. We are already domestic terrorists. We might as well break at least one law even if it’s only a tax law. Will the communists back down? Doubtful but the rope will be cut.

  3. Democrats have always held the attitude that the seats of leadership are their rightful place in government. Any time the voters opt to replace them with the opposing party they become outraged and indignant. They view it as something that rightfully belongs to them has been taken and it sends them into a blind rage.

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