A simple concept that leftists are too dumb to grasp (among many other concepts) – IOTW Report

A simple concept that leftists are too dumb to grasp (among many other concepts)

RadioMatt puts it succinctly-

“Raising the minimum wage to $15.00 does not take into consideration the people who currently make $15.00 an hour (because they have experience and education and have worked their way up the ladder) who would suddenly be back to earning minimum wage.”

Morons like Sanders are never confronted with this question by “journalists.” He’s lucky, because he couldn’t possibly have an answer that makes any sense.

Jobs that pay more than minimum wage have more duties, responsibilities and pressures. How would you like to have those duties and pressures and make the same money as the carefree illiterate, who didn’t get past 7th grade, who is emptying the wastepaper basket filled with all your work product?

People will not stand for it. So either they get a raise or they start pushing a broom.

And anyone but a leftist sees where this is going. Nothing will have changed in terms of buying power because goods and services will have to go up to pay for the rising cost of workers.

The bottom rung of the ladder will still be in the same situation, except the the numbers will have changed.

33 Comments on A simple concept that leftists are too dumb to grasp (among many other concepts)

  1. Virtue signaling and Bernie and his ilk never pay it anyway to their own staffs. No one has to take a job period but a lot of people are going to be shut out of the economy and have no way in to get experience and climb any ladder. Technology will replace most of these low level jobs or the duties will be absorbed by other higher paid employees.

  2. Sanders and his wife have been on the truest & purest “government welfare program” of them all aka “government employment” for a life time plus two.
    And they’re gotten wealthy doing it…

    Three homes!!! One on a lake… how many homes can a socialist own before he gets called on it?!?!?!

  3. But I voted for free shit. This sure as hell doesn’t look free to me! An Obama voter was laughing about voting for a Portland Tax-The-Rich ballot measure. Assured her the rich don’t pay that tax. The rich collect the tax from their clients/customers. “Look how full your shopping cart is. Next month your EBT card is going to max out when your cart is about 3/4 empty.” “Dazz nawd wud ah wuz toad.”

  4. …I started out by washing dishes at $3.65/hr, no benefits, when I was 14.

    But the key word is “STARTED”.

    I han no interest in washing dishes the rest of my LIFE, and used the money to buy a computer, (later) gas, and save for big people school.

    In other words, that wasn’t my “forever” job, and I NEVER thought it would be.

    I was a teenager with no experience in ANYTHING. They were a mom-and-pop family restaurant who needed a gwello to clean the plates, and couldn’t have afforded to pay a “living” wage and guarantee full-time hours, which was GREAT for ME because I was living at home, couldn’t drive myself, and couldn’t legally WORK full time hours anyway.

    So it worked, filled the need I had at that stage of life, and filled the need they had for a low cost, part time employee.

    Dare I say, it was an agreed,-upon, mutually beneficial relationship?

    …and if it WASN’T, I would not have HAD that job, been able to learn something about life, build up an awesome immunity I would NEED later in life, build a work history, build credit, and use ALL that as a springboard to bigger and better things.

    Which never could have happened if my Government had helpfully priced my job out of existence.

    Not to get into man vs. machine, but automatic dishwashers existed even then. If the Government made me more expensive and they chose to even open in the FIRST place, they would have just had overpriced and overworked waitresses load THAT instead.

    I can tell you my first boss was unequivocally a skin flint. Scrooge looks like a big spender in comparison.

    I can also tell you I am forever grateful to that skin flint for giving me my very first job.

    Neither of us regretted it.

    And it was none of the government’s damn business.

    …althoght the $3.65 ITSELF was mandated, but it wasn’t absurd at the time and I would have been unwiling to work for much less anyway, so at least it wasn’t COMPLETELY unhinged from reality then…

  5. The “higher” (lower) education system is mostly concerned with destroying conceptualization, presenting it as a white racist construct. They are turning back evolution creating emotion-driven savages who lack any understanding of cause and effect.

  6. Chickity China the Chinese Chicken
    OCTOBER 6, 2020 AT 1:24 PM

    “Three homes!!! One on a lakeā€¦ how many homes can a socialist own before he gets called on it?!?!?!”

    …a socialist leader is the embodiment of the State.

    In socialism, the state owns everything, and lets you use what that leader thinks you should have.

    …so the answer to your question is, ALL the houses…

  7. …bear in mind that more people having more money simply drives prices up to a) compensate for higher wages, and b) make the prices match the available market.

    So all you REALLY do is start an inflationary spiral that no one wins,, except maybe for the highly leveraged Wall Street swinging dicks who can pay off all the money they borrowed to buy everything with cheap money later on when inflation MAKES those loans cheap by devaluing the money, so if you want to help THOSE guys, congrats, the rich get richer yet again and your $15 is now the price of a 4 oz. Starbucks latte…

  8. Happened to me and fellow employees. Min wage in Maine went $11. I had gone back to Cabela’s at $12 per hr in the deli making $3 more than min wage. Ended up making $1 more than min wage.
    When min wage is hiked the costs go up. The extra cost of doing business needs to be recouped somehow.
    Liberals always deny the simple facts.

  9. What you don’t understand is that socialism, by its very nature, will make everyone equal… equally miserable and equally poor. Except for people like Bernie and AOC and Obama who will, just like the Castro and Stalin families, have all of the wealth and privilege.

  10. The minimum wage should be raised to $1 million/hour. That way, someone could work a single day and retire*.

    * – (If you actually believe this, then you’re probably a member of BLM or AntiFa and a retard).

  11. When communism has made its full circle through government education the people then believe that those people in limousines that are the government should answer all our needs, but don’t and can’t. We are mostly there. They shut our jobs down and then the government gives us a stimulus check to make up for it. Sugar daddy much.

  12. Silly, silly, Big Fur Hat. A fifteen, then thirty, then to infinity and beyond minimum wage has a GIANT effect. Savings become worthless. Make everyone who owns a goat equal with everyone who does not by killing all of the goats.

    Stop looking where the magicians, (i.e. socialists,) want you to look.

  13. SNS
    Got my first job at 14 @ $1.35, up to $1.65 by the end of the summer, Gas was 37-38Ā¢. I had a school permit, had to know what school events were going on in case I got pulled over. Cleaned a big barn with a pitch fork. It took 10 days 8 hrs. a day. I think that was his test. Load the spreader – empty the spreader – repeat.

    I have read that Union Wages have a multiplier that is based on Minimum Wage. I sure more Union Members would get a bump before the lower end.
    It would also make more jobs for illegal immigrants, because they have no one to complain to.

  14. SNS and CmnĀ¢Ā¢guy: your (and my) experiences used to be the model. Minimum wage jobs were NEVER meant to be “family wage jobs”, the were “entry-level jobs”. Then the dems (and RINOS) flooded the country with tens of millions of immigrants, both legal and illegal, most of them unskilled, who proceded to take all the jobs formerly held by teenagers. The skilled jobs were at the same time given to H1B visa holders who worked for pennies on the dollar. And that spelled the ruination of the middle-class. Until DJT kicked over their apple cart.

  15. Same thing with “Tax breaks for corporations”.
    I tell them when they’re a corporation creating employment by manufacturing & selling a product, they can get those too.

  16. In 1967, I started out as a second lieutenant with base (taxable) $300, subsistence $47.88, and quarters allowance (for rent) $85 a month.
    Of course, my first car was only around $2700 brand new.

  17. Meanwhile, John Morgan scammed the system to get a $15 per hour (projected incrementally) on the 2020 ballot to draw out the lefties in a presidential election year. Most likely, it will pass like when they passed the so called medical marijuana amendment.

  18. National Inquest-er hit the nail right on the head:
    “Just who gave the government the right to set wages in the private sector?” Who indeed?
    Of course, this is exactly the goal of this kind of crap – wages according to dictate rather than genuine economics; something libtards only pretend to have a clue about.

  19. C’mon man!

    $3 Trillion Deficit.
    $220 Trillion Debt.

    How ya gonna pay that off?

    $15 min. wage? $25? Who cares? Every economist knows that there’s only ONE minimum wage – $ZERO. The $15 min. wage is a way to nationalize welfare to corporate America. We’re going to call Zero Fifteen and make the morons happy.
    Add or subtract as many zeroes as you like – it either speeds or retards inflation.
    In Germany one had to carry a wheel-barrel full of money to the store to buy a loaf of bread – and the thieves would steal the wheel-barrel and leave the money!
    Same shit, different day.
    Germany had to pay off the debts imposed by the Versailles Treaty – so the money inflated beyond worth.
    The $15/hr. min. wage is a mirage to placate the morons.
    The Treasury could just as easily print “Minimum Wage Dollars” to pay them – and then there’d be no effect on the economy – until the Gov’t demanded that every business accepted them as legal tender. Otherwise it’s a fiction to enrage morons, imbeciles, and other assorted ignorant “Studies” graduates.

    izlamo delenda est …

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