A Sip From the Election Fraud Fire Hose Courtesy Of Rudy Giuliani – IOTW Report

A Sip From the Election Fraud Fire Hose Courtesy Of Rudy Giuliani

American Thinker

Fasten your seatbelts and hold on to your hats, because this is going to be a wild ride of amazing, horrifying, and fascinating information about the greatest election heist in American history.

1. While speaking before the Pennsylvania Legislature, Rudy Giuliani introduced a stunning fact: Pennsylvania sent out 1,823,148 absentee or mail-in ballots.  It logged that voters returned approximately 1.4 million of those mail-in ballots.  Fair enough.  Where things get hinky is that Pennsylvania counted 2.5 million mail-in ballots following the election. More

17 Comments on A Sip From the Election Fraud Fire Hose Courtesy Of Rudy Giuliani

  1. Turning on the fraud fire hose is much more effective than dripping little bits of evidence to satiate the media that refuses to do their jobs. Brilliant move to demand public hearings in PA, MI and WI.

  2. The problem is, while we are researching, paying attention and aware of the truth…. We have no vehicle to deliver the message to the (not unhinged) masses who still get their news from the lsm… Individually, we are all thinking, “gosh, I voted for President Donald J Trump! What the heck happened to everybody else!” I have conservative friends, who not only wear masks but also believe that the vote is straight. It is kind of frustrating.

  3. So all we heard about for three years from the Shameless, Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media wuz “Russia, Russia, Russia!”
    So what did President Tump do?
    Executive Order 13799: The Establishment of Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity from 2017… that’s what.
    Then the democRATs went Hog-wild, Ape-shit with every type of election fraud imaginable and now he finally gets to kick some corrupt democRAT ass!!
    Popcorn anyone?

  4. @Crackerbaby: I talked with a friend yesterday. Hadn’t seen her since the election. Her first words were “Oh, Trump lost.” I asked her how Trump lost, it’s in the courts being fought since it was fraud. How do you think he lost? Well the media, but “I don’t listen to the media!” Well then, how do you know this? “People are saying!” “What people are saying this?” She was getting a bit flustered with me, but I didn’t care. I told her that Biden will never be President of the US. So, there are conservatives out here who don’t have a clue. I bet she’s still sucked in with Faux News.

  5. If you were to walk down the street and ask the average people on it what they think about this, how many would know what your were talking about?

    (That is, of course, there are still enough people on the streets to ask in spite of that lockdown and stay at home stuff.)

  6. At the meeting in PA yesterday I didn’t laugh or gasp at this news – I already knew about it – but OTHERS need to hear it because it is shocking in its audacity and proves that Biden wasn’t lying when he said:


    AND PEOPLE still aren’t paying attention.

    Is there anything that will get their attention other than what will happen if the demorats control for the next four years?

  7. A Sip From the Election Fraud Fire Hose …
    Caught my humorous bone with this title and wanted to read more. Guliani is the man.
    In spite of all the valid evidence of fraudulent voting, isn’t the fact that the outcome of an American Federal Election was tabulated in foreign countries fraudulent fact numero uno? Yeah, give me old school paper ballots and tell the tree-huggers to go to the nearest cry closet.

  8. Game on!

    I don’t know if you watched the hearings yesterday, I was busy but listened in all day. The Goddamned Democrats responsible for this better prefer the way they look wearing an orange jumpsuit, that is up until the time we hang the bastards


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