With the torrent of accusations and victims speaking out everywhere about Hollywood’s creepy elites, the highest profile sexual assaulters have taken to fancy retreats for “therapy.”
Tracy Ullman is convinced and has lampooned the entire industry of fake treatment facilities for celebrity big shots.
h/t Andrew Klavan podcast
This sinner has strolled through the Vatican a time or two so I have been absolved of my sins.
Only got shushed once by the Swiss guards
You knew it would happen. The only question now is whether Hollywood as a whole will accept it and go back to status quo, or whether enough victims feel they can take action.
No matter what, the lawyers will win.
My joke was particularly hilarious because it involved a confessional and a liberal Puerto Rican. We laughed uproariously. Didn’t help that Pope John Paul was ascending to the pulpit at that very moment.
Very inconsiderate of him to interrupt me when I was on a roll.
Tracy Ullman never brought me pizza in the oval office.
I don’t believe any Hollywood celeb nor any politician would ever honestly consider rehab as a genuine alternative, rather it would be a deceptive endeavor while hoping to fool the masses of their real intentions.
Time to take a knee on Hollywood.
Ullman sheds a little light on the darkness of Hollywood predators and their PR maneuvers to recoup their box office appeal.
Just like Jesse Jackson helped Bill Clinton.
Bill just took his perverted proclivities to Pervert Island.
Undoubtedly the Hollywood perverts will learn like Bill, go overseas, on an island and keep it under the covers, out of the press.
What can you say about a group of people who think putting placenta on their faces, eating strange concoctions of green stuff and Going Clear is going to make their lives better? I ask you.
Never enamored by Hollywood. Don’t watch their crap.
Simply uninterested in them
Don’t even know any of today’s stars.
You all bore me. I’d tell you to go away but if you did it would go unnoticed.
You’re all irrelevant and expendable.
Well at least we all found out why Gwyneth Paltrow steam cleaned her vagina.
These guys need a clinic and some sort of doctor to tell them not to drop their trousers and wave their wang at women? Or to quit groping underage boys or grabbing some woman’s genitals?
Dr. Wyatt says “just stop it.” That will be $100,000 please, and you can grab your certified discharge papers on the way out.
Why hasn’t the Footsucker Tarantino written a screenplay about Harvey Wankstein? Reservoir Penis.
Open with the scene of Harvey jerking off into a potted plant at El Socialista while “making” a woman watch. Then there is the briefcase full of prescriptions, Epstein’s Island, probably hundreds of dead hookers and children fed to sharks after rape-a-thons, Bill Clinton, Dennis Hastert, The Swamp, Paltrow’s vajean, etc.
It would be epic documentary.
Send these guy’s to that Swiss resort spa from ” A Cure for Wellness” !
These clinics probably just teach them to hide it better and get them in tough with ‘cleaners’. (For a fee, of course.)
In ‘touch’. Oooops
All these leftist reprobates being outed as the true pervs that they really are might be God’s way of clearing the Tinseltown deck and ushering in “Friends of Abe” types to take over.
My two hopeful acting cents.
The only place I despise more than Hollywood is Washington DC.
Yep, the knee for hollyweird also. They can go phuck themselves.