A Street Car Named Insolvent, In Milwaukee – IOTW Report

A Street Car Named Insolvent, In Milwaukee

Milwaukee Business Journal

Milwaukee aldermen raised the prospect of suspending streetcar service next year because it would rely on money from the city’s already cash-strapped parking fund.

Such a move, however, would violate the city’s agreement with federal officials to continue providing streetcar service, said Milwaukee Department of Public Works Commissioner Jeff Polenske. That obligation is tied to the federal money that helped finance the streetcar’s construction.  More

16 Comments on A Street Car Named Insolvent, In Milwaukee

  1. Take the money out of the police budget, that way the people will continue to ride until criminals start robbing them too. Nobody will ride or walk because of crime, with no police protection because you scalped their funding.
    You may have a Humpty Dumpty problem with no king,

  2. This case is barely a freckle on the elephants ass in the room. It’s a tale tale sign of the repercussions to come for the “EXECUTION” of the US economy. Taxes are what feeds the Bureaucratic Dragon, that is Our government. Regardless the outcome of the election, “somebody” is gonna pay for the disaster on the horizon. My vote, make the ASSHOLES that perpetrated this crime feel the suck We are living. Washington DC and State governments, where 3/4 of the bureaucracy is non-essential,are going to expect the very people they fucked over to foot the bill while they feel no pain. Pray that Donald Trump gets a second term and is able to clean house and make those layoffs a permanent thing for the non-essentials.

  3. Streetcars are retarded. The only reason cities like them is that they can use them to control were, when, and how many of their chattel slaves are allowed to go from place to place.

    Socialism requires that the Government can put the pieces where they WANT them.

    And also that they STAY put.

    …streetcars are just means to that end…

  4. The federal agency in charge of dispersing these funds got what it wanted, other people’s money spent on a project federal elected officials mandated they were suppose to do.

    The local officials in Milwaukee got what they wanted, a project to virtue signal their love of the city while spending other peoples money from the federal government.

    The corporations who build the street cars and the contractors who were paid to put in the street car line were all rewarded, with other peoples money.

    It’s the people who’s money was used for a street car system that is getting a 1/3rd of the ridership it was suppose to have to be viable who end up getting screwed. It goes back to Reagan’s joke about the most dangerous sentence in the English language, “We’re from the government and we’re here to help.”

  5. The stupid leftist mayor was told over and over again not to build the monstrosity. He knew that annual operating costs would be untenable. The damned thing covers a total distance of 2.1 miles. 2000 riders a year? $16 mil a year to operate? That’s $7200.00 per ride in it’s best year. Milwaukee and the leftists in Wisconsin are utter morons.

  6. Milwaukee is lost, they keep electing democrat mayors who think that tossing more money at everything is a viable plan, and here we are.

    It’s precisely why I only go back into the city under obligation, but never by choice.

  7. Schloss
    OCTOBER 11, 2020 AT 6:09 PM
    “The stupid leftist mayor was told over and over again not to build the monstrosity. He knew that annual operating costs would be untenable.”

    …they did the same thing in Cincinnati, but stupider, it was a vanity project by the Black mayor Obama Mini-Me they had at the time, and he spent all the money ahead so the next mayor couldn’t get out of it.

    There’s so much stupid I can’t get into it all here, but just the LATEST stupid was that they got $90,000,000 from the Feds to build this stupidity, but when Mike “The Democrat” DeWine said they couldn’t have passengers, the Feds said they couldn’t stop running it or they’d owe the $90M back, so they spent MONTHS driving this idiocity around EMPTY.


    …it never DID make money, so now they wanna make it “free” by making taxpayers pick up the tab.

    …and the stupid train keeps on rollin’…

  8. The morons running my city, which has 250,000 fewer people than Milwaukee, have been talking about putting in one of these things. We are a suburb full of sprawl and no city center, except a decaying downtown populated by homeless drug addicts. They want to have the damned thing run from the university on the outskirts of town to the hobo infested downtown. This will not end well.


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