A study in contrasts: Hicks v. Nadler – IOTW Report

A study in contrasts: Hicks v. Nadler

ht/ hot salsa

28 Comments on A study in contrasts: Hicks v. Nadler

  1. I like how the photographer dipped down to take that last pic of Wadler going through the door. They must do that a lot for him. I never knew he was so short.

  2. I can’t see or hear Nadler anymore without that disgusting clip of him eating and slurping/smacking while talking during his interview a few weeks ago popping into my head. What a pig.

  3. I could never testify before a guy like that…

    Nadler: “The witness will answer the question!”

    KR: “Or you’re gonna do what? Waddle over here and eat my lunch? Ya fat sack of s**t!”

    Nadler: “The witness will not speak disparagingly to the committee members!”

    KR: “It’s called free speech, fat boy! Does your gavel taste like a crispy kreme doughnut? Yea… You know it does… Go ahead, take a taste, the press knows, and will cover it up because you’re a lying sack of s**t Communist.”

    Don’t let Bad Brad run the GoFundMe for my bail… 🙂

  4. Jerry Waddler was thinking about that old saying: “when you’re nose-to-nose, you’re toes are in it, and when you’re toes-to-toes, you’re nose is in it.”

  5. A crooked, lying, treasonous and digusting perv versus an intelligent, patriotic, principled beauty.

    And that’s just obama versus Hope Hicks. Fat Jerry perogatives would take too long.

  6. moochoman JUNE 21, 2019 AT 3:12 PM
    I surprised that Nadler wasn’t dragging toilet paper behind him.

    That guy doesn’t use tp. He has to use a toilet brush.

    Picture that

  7. I have it from a reliable source, who wishes to remain anonymous, that Gerry Waddler was wanking while questioning
    the stunning Hope Hicks. That’s what accounts for his “preoccupation.”

    That’s how demorats use unnamed reliable sources. Right?


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