A Super Blood Moon Eclipse Is Coming – IOTW Report

A Super Blood Moon Eclipse Is Coming

blood moon

WXYZ- If you’ve waited your whole life to see a supermoon lunar eclipse, you’re in luck. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, let me explain.

Mark your calendars for Sept. 27 if you’re on our side of the planet, and Sept. 28 if you’re overseas, because all of us earthlings are in for a treat.

Well, either that, or we’re doomed.

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16 Comments on A Super Blood Moon Eclipse Is Coming

  1. Heathens. “Luckily, according to a NASA manager, we should be in the clear.”

    So they feel that NASA trumps the scriptures that spoke of these things thousands of years before NASA ever had a clue about them.

    Scripture doesn’t mention an asteroid. That’s what the church of Hollywood is preaching.

    This one is on the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot, and it is part of a pattern of recent blood moons and eclipses that have fallen on significant Jewish holy days, and seen as very important signs in the sky that correspond with scripture.

    Doesn’t matter if NASA doesn’t believe in the signs, they have lost all credibility since 0bama has been in office. And the odds of these rare signs falling on Jewish holy days, one right after another …? But worry not …

    Jeremiah 10:2
    “Thus says the LORD, “Do not learn the way of the nations, And do not be terrified by the signs of the heavens Although the nations are terrified by them;”

  2. Hey, after getting craned and trampled recently by the big AllahWallaBingBang, who are we to say that an asteroid’s not gonna hit Mecca this weekend? Things happen in threes. Have a nice weekend Cave-Men!

  3. Thanks for that link, Mother of Three. Nothing against Chris Rosebrough, and I like that he called out Rick Warren (a guy who I do not trust). But lately, I prefer to get my Word of God directly from the Word of God, and not from any other man’s opinion – no matter the level of education. I would actually prefer to listen to some poor farmer with no education at all when it comes to biblical things – they have no reason to lie about it. I have a neighbor like that and he has never steered me wrong.

    John Hagee may well be wrong about his blood moon teachings. The guy yells too much for me to listen to him for very long, so I don’t know. I don’t think that Jesus yelled like that to the people he ministered to.

    What cannot be denied are the verses in the bible that mention the signs in the sky. They mean something, and I’ll try to listen to anybody who has a reasonable explanation of them. Provided they don’t make my ears ring any worse than they do already. lol

    Thank you for your vigilance and for pointing that out.

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