A Super Bowl Commercial As Weak As Their Beer – IOTW Report

A Super Bowl Commercial As Weak As Their Beer

Budweiser is wasting millions today on an ad for the super bowl. Watch

27 Comments on A Super Bowl Commercial As Weak As Their Beer

  1. The cost of virtue signaling has gone up, I see.

    Here’s a tip, Budweiser…why don’t you give Yuengling a call and learn how to make decent fucking beer. Just a thought…

  2. Started off pretty good kind of a shame they folded. If they were going for realism they should have shown the environmental damage that mining for the materials used to build them (although solar panels are way worse) do as well as the piles of dead birds (some protected by law) scattered around them, the odd one catching fire, the cost of disposing of them when they have to be replaced and the accountant finally sitting down and coming to the conclusion that the cost of building it, setting it up, maintenance and disposal (as well as the lower then estimated power creation) actually cost more then the energy it produced.

  3. What? No strong, empowered, eye-rolling woman to tell the stupid, weak men how to drive the horse buggy? Why would they miss the opportunity to degrade men? It’s a commercial. That’s what they’re there for.

  4. For the dog’s mouth to open like that you’d have to be going faster than horses could pull — at least for my dog. So I think the ad exaggerates both their environmental impact and social awareness, just like beer pee going down the toilet hole.

  5. So much to say, so much wasted energy.

    Don’t work, kills lots of birds, blight on the landscape.

    Who cares if Bud is made with wind power? A big fat lie, anyway, because wind power makes up probably less than 15% of their requirements.

    Is A/B investing in wind companies now?

  6. …I’m sorry, does this “Budweiser” company sell windmills? And do super bowl fans buy them?

    …because that is the ONLY way this commercial could make sense…

  7. One of the ugliest sights you could ever see is the largest wind generator farm in the world near Sweetwater, Texas. Thousands upon thousands of the hideous towers stretch to the horizon and beyond in every direction. At night, the sight is surreal as it seems the entire world is covered with the red blinking lights atop the towers. Imagine an area larger than Rhode Island covered with the ugly white towers spinning day and night.

  8. Breaking: Wind never felt better…

    “We are the children who grew too fast
    We are the dust of a future past
    We raise our voices in the night
    Crying to heaven
    And will our voices be heard
    Or will they Break Like The Wind
    We are the footprints across the sand
    We are the thumb on a stranger’s hand
    We made a promise in the night
    Swearing to heaven Is this a promise we keep
    Or one we Break Like The Wind
    We are the guests who have stayed too long
    We are the end of the endless song
    We send our hearts into the night
    Soaring to heaven
    And will out hearts still beat on
    Or will they Break Like The Wind
    Oh, Break Like The Wind.”

  9. A Moose thanks for the link. Sadly, Obama gave Jeep to Fiat, an Italian company (not that there is anything wrong with Fiat) but it is a shame that an Italian company can sponsor a more USA patriotic commercial than A/B.

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