A swing and a miss from the Kasich camp – IOTW Report

A swing and a miss from the Kasich camp

PatriotRetort: John Kasich can be called many things.

But a brilliant political strategist won’t be one of them.

In an effort to “destroy Trump,” the PAC connected to John Kasich has released an ad of Trump’s Greatest Hits.

kasich trump argue

20 Comments on A swing and a miss from the Kasich camp

  1. You definitely know he was put up to it by the elitist in the GOP as Kasich had little better than a chance at Hell freezing over at the nomination even before this and if everyone else dropped dead the chances were slim and none as they say and slim left already.

    While I was indifferent to his attempt I now despise him and his ilk that much more. When the Scuzzlims attack this country next time around I hope they are among the dead victims.

  2. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if the GOPe tried to force somene like Kasich on Trump as the VP on the ticket (a la Bush as Reagan’s VP)…not that Trump would play along…

  3. These ads are laughable-pathetic. It points to how fucking out of touch the GOPe is if they think that this crap is going to drive down Trump’s poll numbers.

    In fact it might do just the opposite as more people get hip to them and their bullshit.

  4. Hey 10 MM, you saved me a comment, you took my exact sentiments right out above. Bravo…

    It reminds me of how a man or a woman can go from happy lovers that share their lives until they find out the other is cheating on them and has started a seperate life. That love turns to despised hatred in an instant. I liked Kasich years ago, now i hate him.

  5. I liked the ad. Nice call back of some trump classics. I loved the rufflng of mcflame ( he flamed a jet behind him on a carrier and started a massive fire, on purpose , a pilot prank).

  6. I loved the commercial because Trump is spot on. It just reinforced my fondness for Trump. What is being Presidential? Getting a BJ in the oval office? Lying and erasing emails from a server? Inviting violent muzzies into our country? Having a wife who travels the world on our dime? Keep it up Kasich, you’re helping Trump! Go Trump!

  7. Is John “Can’t Do” Case-ick so friggin’ dense he doesn’t know these “greatest hits” ARE Trump’s Greatest Hits to many of us?

    Still loving the swipe at Juan MuhCain, my Sin-ate-turd…..

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