A Tale of Two Titles – IOTW Report

A Tale of Two Titles

Can they be more embarrassingly transparent?

It’s throat punch inspiring. I actually hate these people.

And yes, hate is a strong word. That’s why I used it.

33 Comments on A Tale of Two Titles

  1. It’s amazing that they can still surprise me with their bias crap. Trump is correct, the fake news media is the enemy of the country and the people (and too much of the new is fake).

  2. @BFH – I do too, hate them that is.

    But unfortunately it will get WORSE.

    I don’t let that hate consume me, not that you do, from doing many other fun things! Whilst paying attention to the maneuvers of the left.


  3. Did anyone get around to figuring out who cut her hair?

    (I’m with you, Fur. I don’t hate the NYTs, I feel a great deal of disdain. They are pathetic. What I cannot understand is the number of people I know who still think that paper is worth reading and who look down their noses at the likes of Fox News Channel. That’s really funny to me.)

  4. 12 years old???? Yeah, 12 years past puberty.

    I ain’t no smart patriot but I’ve had these liberal, anti-American, back-stabbing, Trump hating, Satan idolizing, adulteress, butt-poking pieces-of-shit figured out looooong ago.

  5. Why is the nytimes still allowed to be on facebook and twitter?

    They are fake news.

    Actually, trump should shut them down. That’s what lincoln did.
    And when the supreme court told lincoln he couldn’t do that, lincoln ignored the supreme court. And now lincoln is supposed to be one of the best presidents evah.

  6. They lie in order to hurt the USA. It’s clear and simple.

    Doesn’t that invite an equivalent response? Say shuttering that shithole propaganda factory?

    They are waging war unilaterally. For years, clear as day.

  7. I know who the title writer is at the NY Times. He was my 6th grade math teacher. He was obsessed with division. Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication were of no interest. But, man, if you couldn’t divide, he shipped you off to the “slow” math class. Why, one day … what?

    This isn’t about division in math? White vs Black, Girl vs Boy?

    Never mind.

  8. I hadn’t previously seen a picture of this 12 year old, because, quite frankly i’ve already heard of the Juicy Smellit story and all the other fake racist hate crime stories.

    And now it looks a little like that other story about the adoption of a 9 yo who happens to be a 22 yo or something.

    Incidentally, if this picture is post incident, where are the missing dreadlocks? I thought they were forcibly removed. Seems like, in order to market this story the accuser should be able to point to dreads removed.

  9. Hay Jellybean!
    You are smart enough not to be a liberal, Going to school provides you with more information.
    your.computer can do that. We were all given full sized brains to use, Don’t worry about what you don’t have, develop what you have!

  10. FWLIMBW, I share your hatred! I suspect that, were circumstances slightly different, these “news media” people would be herding dissenters into buildings, locking the doors and setting fire to the buildings, just as German soldiers did in the 1940s. I also suspect that feeling guilt would not occur to them

  11. absolutely Fur, these people are absolutely disgusting human beings
    it isn’t too much to say I absolutely loathe them

    … absolutely

    btw, how old is this 12 year old?

  12. for all the love the left shows President Lincoln, it is to be recalled that Abe was a FOUNDING member of the Republican Party which was based in Racine WI.
    Frightening isn’t it?

  13. Give her a break. While I too relish in victory. There’s one thing she and her family are not.

    As far as I can tell, they’re not French actors.

    Probably more like a story of a rich black girl that loved a black French actor.

    I hope, as much as I despise the terdhole. Chicago gets some repirations from that French actor!

  14. It is quite possible according to this article, that the truth came out ONLY because of police actually investigating the story. Which would mean the confession was not voluntary.

    Another One Bites the Dust: Dreadlock Girl Hate Crime is Exposed as a Hoax
    Published 12 hours ago on Oct 1, 2019By Jose Nino

    “Last Monday, Amari Allen, a sixth grader, claimed she was ”assaulted” during recess at her school playground by three white boys.”

    “The school’s principal, Stephen Danish, also released a statement and sent out an email to the school’s parents.

    “We can now confirm that the student who accused three of her classmates of assault has acknowledged that the allegations were false. We’re grateful to the Fairfax County Police Department for their diligent work to investigate these allegations,” Danish wrote. “While we are relieved to hear the truth and bring the events of the past few days to a close, we also feel tremendous pain for the victims and the hurt on both sides of this conflict. We recognize that we now enter what will be a long season of healing.”
    Another hate crime hoax bites the dust.”

  15. ⚪ Media, when it’s a white person: ⚪

    Fitting a description of a WHITE 25 year old male, police caught Robert Lewis of 123 Elm Street this afternoon as he tried to re-deposit the stolen money into his account 4 hours later. He works at Richards Elementary School as a 3rd grade teacher, and the principal said he will be officially fired after he is charged by the courts next week. According to his neighbors, he had a TRUMP sign in his lawn in 2015/16.

    ⚫ Media, when it’s a black person: ⚫

    Area man has been accused of robbing bank
    A local 25 year old man has been charged with robbing the First Central Bank of Colorado this afternoon after a bank teller recognized him only as a man wearing a yellow t-shirt and blue jeans, about 5’10” tall.
    His name has been withheld until he is formally charged.

  16. She should not be allowed back into that school. She’s tainted goods. Who among her classmates can look at her without thinking that she could accuse them of something false at any time? What white person would want to talk to her? What white boy would want to be seen within 50′? She was willing to throw three of them under the bus. She has to leave. If the administration cares about the school community, she has to leave.


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