A Timely Message from Beau Biden – IOTW Report

A Timely Message from Beau Biden

GIC Delaware

Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden speaks about Elder Abuse, its impact on seniors, and how you can help by reporting suspected cases of elder abuse by calling 1-800-223-9074. Learn more about elder abuse by visiting http://attorneygeneral.delaware.gov/f…


9 Comments on A Timely Message from Beau Biden

  1. I don’t know if I could withstand the shock of ever witnessing a prog apply what they prescribe for others to their own situation. It just doesn’t happen.

  2. A truly great irony. Another irony is demanding that the 10 Commandments, including “thou shalt not steal” be posted in all government buildings including schools.

  3. MrLiberty
    MONDAY, 1 JULY 2024, 22:24 AT 10:24 PM
    ” Another irony is demanding that the 10 Commandments, including “thou shalt not steal” be posted in all government buildings including schools.”

    …they LOVE to tick boxes, so the Ten Commandments to them is just another tick box challenge.

    “…hmm, lets see…I worshiped satan this morning, so #1, CHECK…just had the ribbon cutting for the gay transwoman statue out front, so #2, CHEECCK…I blasphemed at LEAST 3 times today talking about Trump so CHECKAROONI on #3…hmm, I HATE working weekends but #4 still needs to be violated, I’ll just put “Pending”…”

  4. @ Mr Liberty
    Which version of the 10 Commandments? The Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant versions are similar but they are different along with some changes in the order.

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